My mom tells me she saw The Creature From the Black Lagoon when she was six years old. Growing up in LA sure didn’t do much to convince her that the creature wasn’t going to get her.
I read JAWS in high school as a freshman after being told about it. Checking out the book from the school library actually required a signed release note from a parent, no doubt due to the gore, sex and adult topic in the book.
Less than a year later I was blown away when they announced they were making a JAWS movie. Then I was a bit disappointed when they didn’t follow the book very well. For instance oceanographer Hooper died in the shark cage, but in the movie he survives. Also Hooper and officer Brody’s wife have a sexual fling mid-story but that was written out entirely.
I heard that there were people afraid to even get into a bathtub after seeing that movie. Eh. I saw it several years ago. My friend had the DVD. I didn’t even have any nightmares. And that blood explosion when they killed him. Soooooo cool! Ka-BLAMM!
During my early teen years, I read a book titled Man Is the Prey, 1969 by James Frederick Clarke, about all the different critters that have killed, and in some cases eaten, humans. Ye gods. If you’re looking for nightmare fuel….
And then, there are movies which are neither better nor worse than the book, just different, such that there’s no point in comparing them. “Frankenstein,” “Wizard of OZ,” to name a couple.
I watched Jaws when I was a kid visiting my grandparents in Massachusetts. I’ll admit, I didn’t want to go into the ocean for the rest of that trip, not even wading out to my waist. But, we lived right by a lake in Minnesota and I wasn’t worried about swimming in there, so at least my irrational fears had enough common sense to know that a great white wasn’t going to be swimming in a fresh water lake over a thousand miles from the closest ocean.
Averagemoe about 4 years ago
Eels, they’re like snakes that swim.
Jungle Empress about 4 years ago
My mom tells me she saw The Creature From the Black Lagoon when she was six years old. Growing up in LA sure didn’t do much to convince her that the creature wasn’t going to get her.
Templo S.U.D. about 4 years ago
if we’re going with cinematic zoological fears, I’ll go with Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds
codycab about 4 years ago
No way! Electric eels are cool!
kaykeyser about 4 years ago
Neo Stryder about 4 years ago
I had fear of sharks… until I watched Jaws 3…D
Major Matt Mason Premium Member about 4 years ago
♫When you swim in a creek
And an eel bites your cheek
That’s a moray…♫
pschearer Premium Member about 4 years ago
I count myself lucky that all my paranoias are rational.
Enter.Name.Here about 4 years ago
I read JAWS in high school as a freshman after being told about it. Checking out the book from the school library actually required a signed release note from a parent, no doubt due to the gore, sex and adult topic in the book.
Less than a year later I was blown away when they announced they were making a JAWS movie. Then I was a bit disappointed when they didn’t follow the book very well. For instance oceanographer Hooper died in the shark cage, but in the movie he survives. Also Hooper and officer Brody’s wife have a sexual fling mid-story but that was written out entirely.
Troglodyte about 4 years ago
Yeah, Phoebe. Electric eels are more current.
Susan00100 about 4 years ago
It’s been said that Janet Leigh never took showers again after making PSYCHO.
Aladar30 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Phoebe, DO IT! It’s a bargain!
nsr60 about 4 years ago
Something really scary here: Phoebe’s dad could have watched Jaws with HIS dad, who might have taken Grandma to see it during its original run.
PoodleGroomer about 4 years ago
Jaws came out after I got my diving certificate. Gray Lady Down was the first movie I saw after arriving on my submarine.
scyphi26 about 4 years ago
Electric eels have a greater shock value anyway.
bookworm0812 about 4 years ago
I heard that there were people afraid to even get into a bathtub after seeing that movie. Eh. I saw it several years ago. My friend had the DVD. I didn’t even have any nightmares. And that blood explosion when they killed him. Soooooo cool! Ka-BLAMM!
johndifool about 4 years ago
Or Screaming Eels. Or even Rodents of Unusual Size…
DHBirr about 4 years ago
During my early teen years, I read a book titled Man Is the Prey, 1969 by James Frederick Clarke, about all the different critters that have killed, and in some cases eaten, humans. Ye gods. If you’re looking for nightmare fuel….
StanEtSeq about 4 years ago
And then, there are movies which are neither better nor worse than the book, just different, such that there’s no point in comparing them. “Frankenstein,” “Wizard of OZ,” to name a couple.
Stephen Gilberg about 4 years ago
Kinda surprised a dad would little a single-digit daughter watch that movie.
Sakura Tomoe about 4 years ago
I watched Jaws when I was a kid visiting my grandparents in Massachusetts. I’ll admit, I didn’t want to go into the ocean for the rest of that trip, not even wading out to my waist. But, we lived right by a lake in Minnesota and I wasn’t worried about swimming in there, so at least my irrational fears had enough common sense to know that a great white wasn’t going to be swimming in a fresh water lake over a thousand miles from the closest ocean.
CoffeeKitty37 about 4 years ago
…but kind of random.
Sassy's Mom about 4 years ago
Depending on where she lives, perhaps she could have a more realistic fear, like of a copperhead, cottonmouth, or water moccasin.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
How about giant extinct Silurian sea scorpions? 10’ to 20ft long with pincers and swims.
Craig Westlake about 4 years ago
Nothing quite as stimulating on a cold night like cuddling up to a 600 volt electric eel…
cwg about 4 years ago
A bit shocking should it actually happen.
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
I heard that, after that movie came out, lots of people developed a fear of going to the beach.
And… YES, Phoebe! You DO need to be afraid of electric eels! Be VERY afraid… >:)