Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for January 22, 2009

  1. Go smile
    LiamC Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Hey guys, Liam here with GoComics. I regularly follow the discussions in our comment sections and I’ve noticed a definite negative, and personal, turn over the last few days that’s not acceptable here on the comic pages. I want to give everyone a heads up about our posting guidelines so you can self-regulate the conversation (so I won’t have to). It’s pretty simple really:

    Treat other posters, the art and the cartoonist with respect.

    It’s fine to talk about, and even respectfully criticize, the comic – but disrespecting each other crosses the line. GoComics is privileged to have the trust of all of the cartoonists who grant us the permission to post their work, and we want to return that privilege by promoting a fun and positive environment for their fans. By taking some ownership of the conversation you can help.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    Dear Liam, are we allowed to criticize the bad story line and the art work? If not, I will no longer be reading this comic. There are so many good comics on this site that are well worth the readers’ time. I prefer to remember Dick Tracy in it’s heyday, when it was the first comic you read in the Sunday funnies with its fun stories and great villains.

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  3. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  about 16 years ago

    Dear Liam, Thank you for taking the time to speak to us. For myself the rules are not a problem to follow. I just hope they are enforced on all posters without exceptions.


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  4. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    I am still wondering where the hazmat team is, and get that man some medical help, he is in shock.

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  5. Go smile
    LiamC Premium Member about 16 years ago

    margueritem and bassmanbob, thanks. I really did not want to delete the previous posts, but the personal attacks were getting out of hand on all sides, and it became too daunting a task to determine which comments should be removed and which should stay. Thus the carpet-bombing.

    As stated in my previous post, our cartoonists give us permission to post their work. The cartoonists whose work appears on GoComics are fully aware that these comment sections exist on our site and that their work can be praised and/or criticized here. But we do ask that users treat other posters, the art and the cartoonists with respect. A look back through the Dick Tracy archives is enough to tell you that we are very tolerant in what we allow to be posted here. That said, I have deleted more comments from the Dick Tracy pages than anywhere else on our site (including cartoons in the editorials section), most often because the posters crossed the line in personally attacking Dick Locher or other posters. It remains at our discretion to delete posts, though that is something I prefer not to do. As stated in my previous post, by taking some ownership of the conversation, with the above posting guidelines in mind, the conversation here should be fine.

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  6. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    Thank you for answering again, Liam. I agree that personal attacks on Dick Locher are unkind and not warrented. I don’t know the man, and it would be unfair of me to assume anything about him. The most interesting thing on this page is the comments section, and I enjoy reading it on a daily basis.

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  7. Maxine
    Maxine_Viller  about 16 years ago

    Wow. Just … wow.

    I did bring some popcorn, but I’m afraid it got scorched to a crisp from the heat – and I don’t mean the heat from the good doctor’s smoldering lab. Next time I’ll bring marshmallows and graham crackers instead. S’mores, anyone?

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  8. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago

    LaimC’s post was pretty interesting. You’d think he’d be PRO at least. The big GO avatar is pretty cool though.

    I wonder how much this will change things around here? Just don’t anyone mention how nice the color is, please!

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  9. Dscn7190 small
    stuart  about 16 years ago

    The color is superb. The charcoal tones complement the repetition to drive home the exploding house theme.

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  10. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  about 16 years ago

    Dr. Noll: “I must reconstruct my lab.” Scientist undeterred by mishaps: Fred Macmurray the exemplar. Tess: “Folks fro all over have volunteered to help you.” Who, Tess? It’s the middle of the night, and not once has Tess, Tracy or that insane clown posse in the Tracy home pulled out a cell phone to call for volunteers. Dr. Noll: “I don’t want ANYBODY near my lab!” It’s amazing the fastest action in this story line is the absent-minded professor having regained his wits in less than a fortnight. And I guess no one will get near his lab since the authorities on the scene haven’t called in a hazmat unit and evacuated the neighborhood, unlike in my neighborhood this week when a block was evacuated when a meth lab was discovered.

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  11. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    If his lab smells as described, NO ONE will want to go near it.

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  12. Softball
    ridenslide65  about 16 years ago

    LIAM - Thank you for your post. I’m sure we can all show Mr. Locher the respect he deserves. I think we all just wish he could show the same to Dick Tracy.

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  13. Winter
    overtop  about 16 years ago

    Please kiddies, enough bickering. Calm down and if these renderings are so painful, try the 5 editions of the dailies and sundays. Its up to 1939 now.Nostalgia is what it used to be

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