Ah. Snow tunnels. It was fun to build and go into and through snow tunnels (and snow forts) when I was a kid. Also fun to make paths and trek around and over snowdrifts.
As a kid, I made a snow tunnel about 25 yards long from the front door of the house down to the end of the driveway across the lawn. A friend of mine and I worked on that for about two days. It definitely was not easier than shoveling but it was a whole lot more fun! At the end of the season, when the snow has started to melt, we put an end to the snow tunnel by going down to the end of it and standing up so that it all broke open.
Dad has photos from his days at Michigan Tech, on the Keweenaw Peninsula. Some show snow piled as high as they could throw it, and the walls carved vertical. Then boards or plywood were laid across for a roof, to form a tunnel. That way they could still get out of the house when it snowed more.
finkd about 4 years ago
Bugs Bunny traveled the same way.
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 4 years ago
Especially with more snow coming.
Enter.Name.Here about 4 years ago
Colder and wetter too.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ about 4 years ago
Yeah, but you’ll get snow down your trousers this way.
dcdete. about 4 years ago
One setback though. You won’t be able to see when you run into a section of yellow snow!
jagedlo about 4 years ago
Only if you know where you’re going…
Gent about 4 years ago
Post box in B.C.?
Doug K about 4 years ago
Ah. Snow tunnels. It was fun to build and go into and through snow tunnels (and snow forts) when I was a kid. Also fun to make paths and trek around and over snowdrifts.
Jeffin Premium Member about 4 years ago
She looks ready for whack a mole.
Michael G. about 4 years ago
Cut-and-cover is easier in the end.
rugeirn about 4 years ago
As a kid, I made a snow tunnel about 25 yards long from the front door of the house down to the end of the driveway across the lawn. A friend of mine and I worked on that for about two days. It definitely was not easier than shoveling but it was a whole lot more fun! At the end of the season, when the snow has started to melt, we put an end to the snow tunnel by going down to the end of it and standing up so that it all broke open.
Amra Leo about 4 years ago
Throw a “bi” in there and you’ll really have somethin’…
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Great idea. Maybe one of those big dog obstacle course tubes from the door to the fire hydrant, or tree.
jtburgess Premium Member about 4 years ago
Ah, the days before global warming
christelisbetty about 4 years ago
Only if you are a mole… a very hearty mole.
Japheth Stauffer about 4 years ago
I’m not sure how that would work with her attire as it is. ’Course, this is just a comic strip, but… ;-)
Alberta Oil about 4 years ago
True and you only have to do it once no matter how much more it snows.
cactusbob333 about 4 years ago
He really should have fooped when he popped up.
WCraft Premium Member about 4 years ago
Except – you risk running into the giant snow worms!
zeexenon about 4 years ago
What the heck does SHE want with HIM, I wonder?
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
Yes but much colder…..
JenSolo02 about 4 years ago
Isn’t that what dachshunds do?
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
I wonder who or what delivers mail in nicely made paper?
l3i7l about 4 years ago
Dad has photos from his days at Michigan Tech, on the Keweenaw Peninsula. Some show snow piled as high as they could throw it, and the walls carved vertical. Then boards or plywood were laid across for a roof, to form a tunnel. That way they could still get out of the house when it snowed more.