Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for February 18, 2021

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    kaffekup   almost 4 years ago

    True story: I lived not far from the location of the abortion clinic bombing by the same guy. One day I was in the apartment office, and saw a poster with an artist’s sketch of a suspect. A guy with a beard. I have a beard.

    A few days later, I was interviewed by a female FBI agent, my own Agent Starling. I realized it was because someone in the office thought I looked like the sketch.

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    Cpeckbourlioux  almost 4 years ago

    Love the hat. Vera lake, what?

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    Olddog1  almost 4 years ago

    And Richard Jewell had his house ransacked by the FBI on live TV. His stuff tossed on the lawn. Then it was “oops, never mind.”

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    shamest Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    It took a ATF bomb agant to put the pieces together. sadilly while the FBI agents are overall are good. The political pressures from above. This happens everywhere when people of little knowledge and unwilling to listen and learn are in power. In the corporate world Those above Nasa lead to the challenger disaster. In the corporate world Boeing 737 max was due the CEO put a firewall between engineering and uppermangement. Three mile island could have been adverted if upper mangaenment had popped for the money for a couple more land lines at the console as had been requested by the operations team. They want get things done fast and cheap.

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    ferddo  almost 4 years ago

    Today we still accuse people, based only upon unhappy coincidences and not liking how they look… so much for “progress”…

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    GaryCooper  almost 4 years ago

    Ah, I remember this story. A bomb went off in a park during the Olympic Games. The FBI named a a random citizen as a suspect. He turned out to be innocent.

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