Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 01, 2021

  1. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 4 years ago

    At least Stantis is acknowledging that it was a coup attempt, and gets close to acknowledging that it was an attempt to violently overthrow that government of the United States.

    It’s also good to remember that it was largely the exact same Republicans* who vowed to obstruct everything Obama wanted to get done, even when they themselves proposed it. They lied about Obama being born in Kenya even after The Messiah admitted it was a lie.

    They also tried everything they could in order to deprive poor people from getting health care and along the way did everything they possibly could to prevent black people from voting and from having their votes counted.

    These Repubicans* are exactly the same as they were more than a decade ago. They’ve just become more obvious and are now more openly racist and fascist.


    Maybe Stantis will acknowledge he’s given them too much slack all along.



    How many Republicans* acknowledge this?

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  2. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Okay. Refresh my memory. When the sam hill did Carmen ever predict a coup attempt?

    Democrats have been predicting it. Republicans?

    Oh. That’s right.

    There’s a whole lot of Republicans still saying that Joe Biden’s swearing in was the coup. And with the national guard presence thanks to credible threats after DJT’s wild and crazy 06-Jan, the image being projected is that it was a “military coup.”

    Ever since I first heard of Rush Limbaugh, he was preaching getting Democrats not only out of government, period, he was also preaching getting Democrats out of America, period.

    Maybe the shoe has been on the wrong foot all along…

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    A lot of us have been predicting that since Jan. 2017. Gonna acknowledge we’ve been correct all along? Hell, you can’t even get McCarthy, Cruz and Hawley to admit there was coup attempt less than a month ago.

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  4. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 4 years ago

    The real tragedy of Jan 6 is that one single elected official decided to lead. Not one so called leader decided to address the mob. Come out with a bull horn and address them. They all just hid behind locked doors, and behind the evil racist police, that many had, on that very floor called for the defending of those very police that were risking and giving their lives for them. Then congress acted like heroes for diong their jobs. Then when it was safe, showed more fear going for revenge and not justice. We are being led by cowards.

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    admiree2  about 4 years ago

    I know exactly how you feel, Carmen. Now we remain wondering why others could not see the warning signs, flashing lights and spotlights along that route.

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Um, yeah, when was it Stantis predicted a coup?…

    If it’s ok for the crazy woman to advocate murder of political opponents, what would be not ok?

    If Marjorie Taylor Greene Isn’t Beyond the Pale, Who Is? — There’s still time for Republican leaders to reject Q. By The Editorial Board

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    dotbup  about 4 years ago

    Trump’s impeachment defense is out. Bannon is reportedly encouraging him to go to the Senate himself. (

    Why would you need a defense team when the people deciding your fate have already drawn conclusions before hearing any presented evidence?

    The majority of the Senate republicans will be acting as his defense attorneys.

    Some of those people deciding his fate are also co-conspirators in his treason.

    This impeachment trial is going to be a demonstration of what happens when some of the jury are also the defendants.

    This needs to be called what it really is: the repugs are on trial and they must be hit with all the evidence of their malfeasance, incompetence and collusion. They need to wear that stank until this rotting corpse of a party is buried.

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    dotbup  about 4 years ago

    Trump to Defend Self After Receiving Law Degree from Trump University – Andy Borowitz

    Donald J. Trump will act as his own defense attorney at his impeachment trial after receiving a law degree from Trump University.

    Trump bestowed the degree upon himself in his capacity as the dean of the Trump University School of Law, where he graduated first in his class.

    In his first official statement as the lead attorney of his defense team, Trump vowed not to quit the team “like those other losers.”

    “One downside of working for himself, however, is that he definitely will not get paid.” – Satire from The Borowitz Report
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  9. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 4 years ago

    What happened on Jan 6 was not a Coup, is was civil disobedience, tragic disobedience to be sure, but not a coup. Today in Myanmar is what a real military coup really looks like. Although there are many some have posted here today that would like to crush any opinion other than theirs, they can not.

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  10. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Many people poo-poohed the idea of a coup attempt, despite the fact that Trump did everything short of SAYING that that’s what he would do.

    There is a real tendency to disbelieve that some people are as bad as they are, no matter how obvious it is that they are, indeed, that bad.

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  11. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 4 years ago

    Isn’t flirting with them great, too?

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  12. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  about 4 years ago

    Have we already forgotten Michael Flynn’s suggested coup?

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    Bruce1253  about 4 years ago

    Trump’s actions got a Cop killed, why isn’t he in jail?

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    Kip W  about 4 years ago

    She’s a regular Jeane Dixon, making incredible predictions that you only find out about afterward (and her only witness is dead, dang it).

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    Bradley Walker  about 4 years ago

    Has anyone ever asked John DeLancie what he thinks about Q-Anon?

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  16. Grumpy octopus
    librarian4hire  about 4 years ago

    99% of Republican members of Congress are either cowards or have their heads so far up Trump’s arse they can see daylight when Trump opens his mouth. Or both.

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  17. Self portrait
    greg_46107 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    What if this is in reference to Myanmar?

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