My Dad was a traveling securities salesman in the days before pocket calculators. The mental math techniques he taught me (e.g. for calculating discounts or premiums) drove my arithmetic teachers to distraction; they could neither understand nor deny my methods or accuracy.
In my generation, everything we had learned in “arithmetic” was scuttled for the “new math” (about 10th grade, as I recall) and I never did fully recover from the chaos that caused!
Forget it kid. By the time you’re an adult, all the math you remember will have changed. I was a math major in college. I look at the stuff that they’re teaching my 11 year old granddaughter and go “Huh?!”
rekam Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Kate, you are so very right.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Pretty sure I remember all the math I had in high school.
As with most things, it’s use it or lose it.
Ubintold almost 4 years ago
It’s all fun and games until somebody puts an IOU out.
Chithing Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I went into surveying in the military. I had to use trigonometry on a regular basis. That will really drive it into your head.
john almost 4 years ago
My Dad was a traveling securities salesman in the days before pocket calculators. The mental math techniques he taught me (e.g. for calculating discounts or premiums) drove my arithmetic teachers to distraction; they could neither understand nor deny my methods or accuracy.
Thechildinme almost 4 years ago
In my generation, everything we had learned in “arithmetic” was scuttled for the “new math” (about 10th grade, as I recall) and I never did fully recover from the chaos that caused!
bobbyferrel almost 4 years ago
An education is what you have left after all the facts are gone.
Bobtul07110 almost 4 years ago
Forget it kid. By the time you’re an adult, all the math you remember will have changed. I was a math major in college. I look at the stuff that they’re teaching my 11 year old granddaughter and go “Huh?!”
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
Here’s the latest: “ethnomathematics”
sergioandrade Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“Don’t Know Much About History, Don’t know Much Biology,…”
cuzinron47 almost 4 years ago
You just answered your own question. You have to learn that stuff so you can remember it as an adult.
Oh and Katie, it’s too late to make you feel stupid, he’s past the 3rd grade.
STACEY MARSHALL Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Neither do most adults!