Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for February 12, 2021

  1. Mbsils
    marilynnbyerly  about 4 years ago

    As empty as his head.

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  2. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 4 years ago

    Friday Felines!

    FFV!#1 ā€“ Sound


    FFV!#2 ā€“ Cat clip ever from 1899, ā€œLittle girl and catā€. Colourised and speed adjusted, and sound added.










    FF!#4 ā€“ A ā€˜Robertā€™ Cat Cub













    Bonus Friday Golden Retrievers!!

    BFGRV!!#1 ā€“ Sound













    Bonus Friday Bunnies!!

    BFBV!!#1 ā€“ Occupational Hazzard With Bunnies (Some Sound)










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    mpguy2  about 4 years ago

    Oh, Chesney. Youā€™re such a romantic.

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    LastRoseofSummer Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Youā€™re not exactly a poet, and the sentiment is right off your left hand. At least you acknowledged Annie.

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  5. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 4 years ago

    Hard to accept that this is Chesney, but perhaps in this alternate universe that Graham has created this weekā€¦. I like Annieā€™s blue eyes!

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  6. Animiertes spass lustig bild 0179
    in-dubio-pro-rainbow  about 4 years ago

    How good for you! I guess mine is full of atheromatous plague.

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    laughingkitty  about 4 years ago

    At least he did wish Annie a Happy Valentineā€™s Dayā€™ s for the rest of it, I think thatā€™s just a cover up because he doesnā€™t want to admit his real feelings of love for Annie.

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    laughingkitty  about 4 years ago

    Today is:

    National Plum Pudding Day. I thought that was something you served on Christmas. Not that Iā€™ve ever had it (I havenā€™t).

    National No One Eats Alone Day. Actually, these days, many people eat alone. I wonā€™t though. I have to work and thereā€™s usually about 4-6 people in the break room with me when I eat lunch. If it was summertime, Iā€™d take my lunch outside and eat alone. Itā€™s still much too cold for that, with snow on the ground and temperatures not getting out of the single digits. Brrrrrrr!

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  9. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  about 4 years ago

    ā€œA bunch of squiggly thingsā€ ā€“ Does Chesney have heartworms?!?!

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  10. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  about 4 years ago

    Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Ox!

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  11. 041ce150 741f 443a aa6a 84618520b989 1 201 a
    jessegooddoggy  about 4 years ago

    Honesty without snarkieness. Annie looks so cute this morning! Mooch finally got his valentine sentiment finished over at Mutts today.

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  12. Image
    diskus Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Hopefully only one aorta. But atleast you have a heart!

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    golfgranny47  about 4 years ago

    I got a new book yesterday, How To Argue With a Cat!

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  14. Bb260ccb 3c7a 4828 98e9 fa3396147f54
    ocarol7 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Aw, the romanceā€¦ā€¦

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    Queen of America Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Baconboycamper has done some awesome research on this coat. I sent a message to the person he found selling the same coat on etsy and she got back to me right away with some good info on how to keep the fur from flying, so to speak. She said to shave the edges first, which I will try. That was part of her job as a costumer at one time. I thought sheā€™d be appalled at what Iā€™m doing but she applauded it. Said it was a great re-purposing the coat.

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  16. Ten cats oliver annie kiss 81322
    daleandkristen  about 4 years ago

    What a romantic moment from Mr. Say It From The Heart! At least our Annie was spared a bashing.

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  17. Ten cats oliver annie kiss 81322
    daleandkristen  about 4 years ago

    @MCTS and @Bbear: Thinking of you, Bob, and Misty. Hoping for some positive future updates.

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  18. Chai
    Perkycat  about 4 years ago

    For Chesney, this is probably as good as it gets.

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  19. Me selfie
    markwillman4  about 4 years ago

    Does this fall under the category of TMI? Probably not for a cat though.

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  20.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  about 4 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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  21.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  about 4 years ago

    At least Chesney is being nice to Annie, for once. On another note, saw six varied thrushes while out walking today.

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