Bozo by Foxo Reardon for August 07, 2021

  1. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 3 years ago

    1 Opportunistic Joe College type, much too young for a classy dame like Bozann.

    2 Ah to have the power to see ourselves as others see us.

    3 Bozo been twitterpated by another classy dame.

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  2. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/á”€ÊłÊž ᎟ᔒᶻᔒ ⁎ ᔗʰᔉ ᶠᔘⁿ ᔒᶠ ᶊᔗ Premium Member over 3 years ago

    1》A fitting treat for the youngster.

    2》Optical perusin’; Reality amusin’.

    3》"I’ll follow you to the depths of the sea", said he.

    (Interesting woman’s hair style with a “part”.)

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 3 years ago

    1. Here ya go, kid. Has a lollypop and leaves yer big sister alone. Heh heh.

    2. Bozo having fun in the fun house. Bozo knows he too funny!

    3. Bozo is back persuing classy dames. He ensures to keeps his cigar above the water. Can’t lets it gets wet!

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  4. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 3 years ago

    And one has to especially appreciate today’s strips for the spectacular artwork with background details in em.

    Such great facial expressions and body language of characters is so well drawn that there’s no need of any text to express the subject of the funny comic.

    Every frame which is well drawn with a great perspective has such three dimensional depths.

    1. Just look at the body language and expressions of them in each panel. The lovely Bozanne, the lovable Bozo, and the dorky guy. Then the first and last panels with the store front at an angle to the audience, creating a 3d perspective. The sceond panel shows great 3d depth with an aptly drawn background, with one woman and buildings placed in the background.

    Each panel is a masterpiece!

    2. This one’s in a fun house, and Bozo is enjoying his different sorts of relected forms. A concave, a wavy, and a convex mirror, along with a plain mirror, for amusement.

    There are some errors in the way the reflections are drawn, though. In the second panel, Bozo is holding the cigar in his right hand, while the reflection is too. But in a mirror, it should’ve been on the other hand. But one doesn’t notices this so easily. Then in the last panel, Bozo’s hand and his reflection’s hand aren’t at the same way as his hand is sideways while his reflection’s is upwards.

    Nonetheless, it’s great fun in the fun house. And notice the last panel which has background elements behind the open door. Not only it has a guy inside, standing before the door, but there’s the umbrella guy and a car ok the street and a cityscape behind. These create a great effect of three dimensions in a comic drawn on a two dimensional paper.

    (Continued in next comment.)

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  5. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 3 years ago

    Continuing from the aboe comment,

    3. This one is especially spectacular with its seascape. The sea water and the horizon serves as the background in most panels.

    Great facial expressions and body language of characters, as in every Bozo strip.

    Boats in the background on the sea provide a great perspective which add to the three dimensional depth aspects.

    The third panel shows the dame going into the water with Bozo behind her. The perspective is well drawn with relative sizes and there’s a great 3D depth feeling again in the scene

    And especially notice the last panel. It looks so realistic with such depths. What a perspective! And it has different levels of depths with people or objects at different depths in the scene which s achieved by drawing them in relative sizes based on their desired distance in the scene.

    The dame swims in the foreground, with Bozo behind her, (only his hat and cigar seen above the water). Then behind them, much closer to the shore stands a guy in the water. Behind them is the beach, with people and objects on it. Then behind them is the beach’s entrance with a wall and steps, with the Umbrella Guy standing behind the wall. Behind them all is the cityscape.

    Such lovely and beaufully done artwork deserves to be appreciated. Because Foxo Reardon drew each panel and each object and character in it with such great care.

    Once again, a big thumbs up to Foxo’s Bozo. This is the comic I most enjoys on a regular basis. For me, Bozo is like a hidden gem which is fortunately being rerun thanks to Foxo Reardon’s son Micheal Reardon, and Go Comics.

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  6. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  over 3 years ago

    I can’t believe Foxo didn’t make the transition to Warner, or MGM. Probably his stuff was too “busy” for animation. He should’ve become a star! Will Elder-class drawing!

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  7. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  over 3 years ago

    1. Here ya go, sucker!

    2. Bozo go, “I just crack myself up”!

    3. I’d follow that gal anywhere.

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  8. 21975 1241514355762 1601556 n
    Searcy9320  over 3 years ago

    Plethora, didn’t she have a twin sister named Pretoria? Nice girls, one was excessive in her ways, the other was in the band and marched a lot!

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  9. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 3 years ago

    1) Age inappropriate: Bozo gets an ice cream cone for his lovely. Sees a rival come up and talk to her. He returned with a lollypop for him.

    2) Fun house: Bozo finds the funhouse mirrors to be boring only the normal mirror showing him as he really is is hilarious to him.

    3) Swimming: Bozo gets into deeper water when he walks into the water after the Blond Bombshell he slips under the surface and the bombshell swims away.

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