Well, I guess I qualify. The ONLY paved road for ten miles in either direction is U.S. Hwy 5 and I live 9/10 mile off blacktop. AND have needed the four wheel drive this past winter a LOT.
I also qualify, my short mile unpaved drive from our newly paved cow path of a road requires caution, year ’round.. We try to be considerate during winter deliveries :D
I retired off the main drag, which was an unstriped paved road. The driveway was 2900 ft of gravel, off a dirt road, off of a dirt road. Yes, the driveway was in better condition than the roads.
Sounds like the road to great grandma’s house in northern Wisconsin. Some years ago was in the area so I wanted to see if the old place was still there. Turned off the highway onto the gravel town road, which was okay. But, about a quarter mile in the gravel turned to fist-sized rocks that had never been graded or compacted. At the next spot I could turn around I gave up. I wasn’t going to risk my fairly new car going any farther.
…and you live in New England if you give directions using landmarks that “used to be there”, (i.e., “follow this road for 4, 5 mile, then turn where the big green barn used to be.”)
pathfinder almost 4 years ago
Well, I guess I qualify. The ONLY paved road for ten miles in either direction is U.S. Hwy 5 and I live 9/10 mile off blacktop. AND have needed the four wheel drive this past winter a LOT.
Gent almost 4 years ago
Well, you gots to go through the jungle to gets to the bear cave.
Breadboard almost 4 years ago
What happened to the yellow bricked road ?
zerotvus almost 4 years ago
i just bought an x drive, go on…….
pathamil almost 4 years ago
This was a Jeff Foxworthy “Redneck” joke…
pheets almost 4 years ago
I also qualify, my short mile unpaved drive from our newly paved cow path of a road requires caution, year ’round.. We try to be considerate during winter deliveries :D
Geophyzz almost 4 years ago
We get that a lot when making deliveries for our local food charity.
ctolson almost 4 years ago
Yep, lived a mile down an unpaved road from two different highways. Best place I’ve ever owned.
Gandalf almost 4 years ago
I wish….
david_42 almost 4 years ago
I retired off the main drag, which was an unstriped paved road. The driveway was 2900 ft of gravel, off a dirt road, off of a dirt road. Yes, the driveway was in better condition than the roads.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“It’s the blue mobile home on the red cinder blocks, If you have passed the green mobile home on the green cinder blocks you have gone too far.”
KEA almost 4 years ago
sorry, but this just leaped to mind… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjeTq2fShRc
Spiny Norman Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“Make a right at the rock that looks like a bear, then make a left at the bear that looks like a rock”
Liam Astle Premium Member almost 4 years ago
“If you hear banjo music you’ve gone too far. That’s Steve Martin’s house.”
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Just follow the line of power poles ‘til they run out. About a half mile farther there’s a fork, the high road’s closer, but you’ll need 4wheel.
l3i7l almost 4 years ago
Sounds like the road to great grandma’s house in northern Wisconsin. Some years ago was in the area so I wanted to see if the old place was still there. Turned off the highway onto the gravel town road, which was okay. But, about a quarter mile in the gravel turned to fist-sized rocks that had never been graded or compacted. At the next spot I could turn around I gave up. I wasn’t going to risk my fairly new car going any farther.
dogday Premium Member almost 4 years ago
…and you live in New England if you give directions using landmarks that “used to be there”, (i.e., “follow this road for 4, 5 mile, then turn where the big green barn used to be.”)