My wife refuses to accept the concept of too much water on plants. Even when the instructions on the seed packet say to let the top of the soil dry out, she waters every day. And wonders why her plants die.
If you water daily, your plants will have shallow root systems. If you miss for a few days, they will be seriously burned. A better way is to water deeply every fourth or fifth day The roots grow much deeper, and the plant is stronger..
rekam Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Someday, Gabby will regret the way she treated Kate.
admiree2 almost 4 years ago
Good time to mess with Gabby by giving her a hosing, Granny.
david_42 almost 4 years ago
My wife refuses to accept the concept of too much water on plants. Even when the instructions on the seed packet say to let the top of the soil dry out, she waters every day. And wonders why her plants die.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
…….or not!
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Mine do that, too! Act like they’re doing fine and then I leave for a few weeks and come back to find that they’re not fine!
cuzinron47 almost 4 years ago
As she’s doin’ now.
verticallychallenged Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Gabby, stop looking at my houseplants!
fuzzbucket Premium Member almost 4 years ago
If you water daily, your plants will have shallow root systems. If you miss for a few days, they will be seriously burned. A better way is to water deeply every fourth or fifth day The roots grow much deeper, and the plant is stronger..