You may be surprised that in a lot of places at that recycled stuff ends up in the landfind with the rest of the trash. I have seen it first hand. The recycling truck backing up to the trash truck to unload. The reason being the cost.
When I was a kid (in the thirties and early 40s) there were big dump trucks for picking up the garbage. There were a couple of guys walking alongside the trucks grabbing the garbage cans and slinging them up onto the trucks and a couple of guys on top of the garbage in the truck that would dump the cans onto the pile in the truck that they were standing on. After dumping the garbage they tossed the cans back down to the walkers who would neatly stack them back along the curb. The smell coming from those trucks was unique and I can still remember it to this day. You never saw many cars following closely behind those trucks.
wjones over 3 years ago
Reliable garbage service has free meals.
bixya over 3 years ago
So long, recycling!!!
Doug K over 3 years ago
Barney – the Door-to-Door Garbage Disposal
hariseldon59 over 3 years ago
Reminds me of the animal ‘appliances’ on The Flintstones. “It’s a living!”
littlejohn Premium Member over 3 years ago
What goes in must come out somewhere?
Enter.Name.Here over 3 years ago
That dino chews up and spits put garbage cans almost as bad as my local garbage truck.
David Henderson over 3 years ago
You may be surprised that in a lot of places at that recycled stuff ends up in the landfind with the rest of the trash. I have seen it first hand. The recycling truck backing up to the trash truck to unload. The reason being the cost.
Troglodyte over 3 years ago
Too many anachronisms for me to digest in one strip! :D
jagedlo over 3 years ago
Which reminds me, after I finish here, I’ve got to go take out the garbage can, it’s pickup day!
Gent over 3 years ago
That sort of organic recycling worked those days because there was no plastic.
rickseg over 3 years ago
When I was a kid (in the thirties and early 40s) there were big dump trucks for picking up the garbage. There were a couple of guys walking alongside the trucks grabbing the garbage cans and slinging them up onto the trucks and a couple of guys on top of the garbage in the truck that would dump the cans onto the pile in the truck that they were standing on. After dumping the garbage they tossed the cans back down to the walkers who would neatly stack them back along the curb. The smell coming from those trucks was unique and I can still remember it to this day. You never saw many cars following closely behind those trucks.
preacherman Premium Member over 3 years ago
While we don’t have a T-rex recycling system, some scientists are developing microbes that eat plastic.
bixya over 3 years ago
With us, the collectors pass by on fixed days on a calendar to empty the bins of the houses.
Michael G. over 3 years ago
GIGO? :-0
cocavan11 over 3 years ago
“Were,” NOT “was” in wishes and contrary-to-fact situations. Mastroianni and Hart KNOW/KNEW THIS.
cosman over 3 years ago
i’m hearing one of the trucks clanging now..
Lightpainter over 3 years ago
Let me get this straight..the Trex chews up the garbage with the trash can, and spits out an undamaged trash can?!!
zeexenon over 3 years ago
’Sure hope Close-To-His-Chest belongs to the Garbage Haulers Mob.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 3 years ago
Mutual benefit.
JenSolo02 over 3 years ago
Plastic bins on wheels before aluminum cans???
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 3 years ago
it would if you could affect your weather wizard Zeus satellite over your area.
pamela welch Premium Member over 3 years ago
The ultimate in recycling!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 3 years ago
Is anyone concerned that this planet is 66 million years overdue for an asteroid strike, like the one that killed the dinosaurs?