If his wound can waits for that long then it ain’t no serious wound. Yeah so let’s we all song and dance and makes merry and feasts like keengs for tis just a flesh scratch on him see.
Those belly-dancing harem girls will have their way with Hard-On, er….Hard Luck before he even sees a sheckel of gold and his hardluck heart gives out.
SHAKEDOWNCITY about 21 hours ago
“Bacchanalian bilge.”
BigDaveGlass about 20 hours ago
Middle panel. The guy on the far left has not seen a woman for a long time. If ever.
LawrenceS about 17 hours ago
Bad enough you let the wounded man suffer through days of travel, now you’re going to hold a feast before you treat the wound?
Gent about 17 hours ago
If his wound can waits for that long then it ain’t no serious wound. Yeah so let’s we all song and dance and makes merry and feasts like keengs for tis just a flesh scratch on him see.
chris_o42 about 14 hours ago
Geeze, never trust a man who curls his hair, his sideburns, his moustache AND his goatee. Oh yeah—I forgot about his curly toed shoes.
Out of the Past about 14 hours ago
Tarzan’s thinking, this place is only getting one star from me.
Thomas about 13 hours ago
Judging by their smiles, Harrigan and Rambul probably share the same thought “what a fool… he actually fell for that B-S…”
Old Comic Strip Lover about 11 hours ago
Sure, they’re binding him hand and foot to the pillar but did they take away his knife?
BillyJoBob69 about 10 hours ago
When I hear ‘Nether Regions’ I’m thinking of body parts
profkatz about 9 hours ago
Those belly-dancing harem girls will have their way with Hard-On, er….Hard Luck before he even sees a sheckel of gold and his hardluck heart gives out.
tarnsman about 8 hours ago
Tarzan makes a guest appearance on “WuMo” today. I don’t understand the joke, but there he is.
anomaly about 5 hours ago
Tarzan gives his famous distress call and the rats come and chew the ropes.