Adult Children by Stephen Beals for July 21, 2021

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    destry1970  over 3 years ago

    I get behind them all the time, after while its fun to watch.

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    julie.mason1 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    If I run a $20 bill down the swipe slot can I put it back in my pocket? They say plastic is the same as cash. Turn about should work.

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  3. Orange bird 2
    drycurt  over 3 years ago

    I pressed “Credit Card” on the screen, then inserted my card. Got “Chip error” message. Tried again. Same thing. Swiped the card strip. Then the terminal asked for my pin. It’s a credit card! The employee cleared the pay operation and said to try the chip again. It then worked. This is better than what we did before? If it gets any more frustrating, I’m going to go back to paper checks.

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    christelisbetty  over 3 years ago

    No two stores credit cards terminals are alike. They differ on when to scan your card, how to scan card, if and when you need to to ‘sign". Insert, slide or tap your card, remove card
. Then went the screen just goes blank the clerk/ cashier comes around to shows you how it’s done, and can’t do it either ! When you wear bifocals it gets even better. When you additionally have to wear a mask, that causes your glasses to fog up, even better.BTW I don’;t know anyone (besides an ATM) that wants a pin number anymore

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    sid w  over 3 years ago

    It goes both ways
 I was at a watch shop the other day, and was looking at some analog watches. I mentioned “It’s good to see these have not disappeared.” The guy behand the counter laughed and told me about a recent HS grad who had gotten a fancy new watch for a graduation present. The kid cam into the store for directions on how to use it to tell time. It might as well have been a sundial.

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  6. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  over 3 years ago

    Probably a .001 percenter.

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    Beale_Knight  over 3 years ago

    Wow – no mask. Is this the first time since this all started?

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    rick92040  over 3 years ago

    I was a technician who repaired self service point of sale machines for many years. I’m now older and retired and it seems every time I use one some young kid wants to help me. I try to be pleasant and just say that I used to fix them so it would stand t reason I know how to use them.

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  9. Rick o shay
    wiatr  over 3 years ago

    Every time I whip out my card it seems to have changed.

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    amaryllis2 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Some of us can’t hear the machine beeping that it’s done. And you can’t lipread someone through a mask—but please, wear one anyway.

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    aussie399 Premium Member over 3 years ago

    If she has 2 cards is her PIN number 1 or 2. And what are her PIN’s for cards 1 and 2?For those who can’t work it out, the “N” in “PIN” stands for number.Therefore she was talking about her personal identification number number. One of my pet hates, along with “one of the only” and "very/quite unique.

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