Frank and Ernest by Thaves for August 09, 2021

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    stairsteppublishing  over 3 years ago

    Especially the last – Full. I know there is settling in shipment, but a half a box worth of settling?

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    uniquename  over 3 years ago

    They can call it anything you want, but they’ll still decrease the amount they actually give you.

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    AllishaDawn  over 3 years ago

    Where I work, they already sell regular, large, giant and family sizes.

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  4. Coyote
    eromlig  over 3 years ago

    Just like it says on my jeans: Packed by weight, not volume. Contents May Have Settled During Shipment…

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  5. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 3 years ago

    Reducing the amount of product without reducing the price and not announcing same could be called the fast lateral shuffle. Happens almost annually for some products. Producers know from experience that, once glitz and high gloss advertising raise the product into popular mode, most folks will just grab the bag or can without noting the weight. An outstanding example is the so-called half gallon of ice cream. There are many others. The philosophy is to sell the sizzle and not the steak.

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  6. Flowers pininterest
    whenlifewassimpler  over 3 years ago

    They are already out there and more money and you better eat it all quick or it will be stale tasting. I will take the regular size box thank you very much.

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    Chris  over 3 years ago

    how big is full?

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  8. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  over 3 years ago

    Bunch O’Cinnamon Squares.

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    bobbyferrel  over 3 years ago

    The bottle aspirin (or whatever) comes in will hold 4X what’s actually in there. Makes you think (subliminally, perhaps) that you’re getting more than you are for the price. How much cheaper could they sell things if they didn’t spend extra on bigger packaging?

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  10. Bearfront
    paranormal  over 3 years ago

    So that’s one serving, two serving, three serving and four serving…

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    Buckeye67  over 3 years ago

    Cereal companies always provide legal cover for themselves. Read the fine print on the the box. “This box is filled based on weight not volume.”

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    christelisbetty  over 3 years ago

    What you want: Full size…What you get: Fool size.

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