I feel your pain, Baldo. We have one shelf filled with plastic containers that all want to jump out at you when you go to get one. And naturally, after carefully extracting the one you want, you discover that none of the 200 lids fit this particular container!
And don’t lecture me about organizing them. That gets done at least once a day – only to have them secretly disarrange themselves when I’m not looking.
willispate over 3 years ago
that ain’t ALL you’re gonna get Baldo!
suv2000 over 3 years ago
That’s not a Bowl that’s a pot
Doctor Toon over 3 years ago
Now put all of that back, and wash it first because it’s been on the floor
dlkrueger33 over 3 years ago
She said BOWL, not POT. Besides, that pot is about the same size as the one Tia Carmen is cooking in.
LawrenceS over 3 years ago
Get rid of the clutter, throw out the stuff you haven’t used in over a year so you can find/get at the stuff you actually need/use.
Jelliqal over 3 years ago
my kitchen resembles that – everything fits only one way and comes out the same one way
jrankin1959 over 3 years ago
What’d you all do – buy the house from FIbber McGee?
Linguist over 3 years ago
I feel your pain, Baldo. We have one shelf filled with plastic containers that all want to jump out at you when you go to get one. And naturally, after carefully extracting the one you want, you discover that none of the 200 lids fit this particular container!
And don’t lecture me about organizing them. That gets done at least once a day – only to have them secretly disarrange themselves when I’m not looking.
James Lindley Premium Member over 3 years ago
My wife’s big bowl is on top of a cabinet because it’s way too wide to fit inside one.
raybarb44 over 3 years ago
Looks like a pot and not a bowl though. Thanks for trying….
CalLadyQED over 3 years ago
Tia Carmen needs some of that Konmari life changing
Thorby over 3 years ago
At least they were all metal….
Natarose over 3 years ago
that looks more like a pot than a bowl
Zyxian over 3 years ago
I wouldn’t imagine that Tia Carmen’s kitchen would be that unorganized…
bakana over 3 years ago
Baldo’s ability to put things away after washing the dishes is about to get examined.
j.l.farmer over 3 years ago
how can she look so calm after the crashing of all the bowls. i would have been hanging from the ceiling or some wet pants or both!
Michael G. over 3 years ago
¡Ay ay ay!