Peter Sr. and Madeline Otterloop are gentle, likeable, well-mannered people and parents. How is it possible that they somehow produced this ill-tempered, nasty, narcissistic kid. Miss-labeled bassinets?
It’s easy, based on appearance, to mistake oatmeal raisin cookies for chocolate chip cookies. And if you only have a cookie very occasionally and think you have picked out a chocolate chip cookie, ending up with an oatmeal raisin cookie in your mouth is really disappointing. In their own right, however, oatmeal raisin cookies are also very good, and make sort of a palate-cleansing change of pace for someone who can have cookies almost any time they want.
I’m surprised to find here how many people actually dislike raisins.
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
Is Mrs. Otterloop red with embarrassment or with anger?
Cornelius Noodleman over 3 years ago
Who gives cookies with raisins to anybody?
gbars70 over 3 years ago
Peter Sr. and Madeline Otterloop are gentle, likeable, well-mannered people and parents. How is it possible that they somehow produced this ill-tempered, nasty, narcissistic kid. Miss-labeled bassinets?
TampaFanatic1 over 3 years ago
Make mine a white chocolate chip please!
dwane.scoty1 over 3 years ago
Alice just reminded cookie lady of her appointment with the opthomologist!
su43dipta over 3 years ago
That R. Thompson cake looks delicious! (But Richard’s birthday is just a few days away!)
Pet over 3 years ago
Raisins in cookies is why I have trust issues.
Steverino Premium Member over 3 years ago
You hold the cookie above your head. Then it will be raisin.
Jefano Premium Member over 3 years ago
It’s easy, based on appearance, to mistake oatmeal raisin cookies for chocolate chip cookies. And if you only have a cookie very occasionally and think you have picked out a chocolate chip cookie, ending up with an oatmeal raisin cookie in your mouth is really disappointing. In their own right, however, oatmeal raisin cookies are also very good, and make sort of a palate-cleansing change of pace for someone who can have cookies almost any time they want.
I’m surprised to find here how many people actually dislike raisins.
WCraft over 3 years ago
Alice makes an excellent point…
ChessPirate over 3 years ago
I loved my mom’s oatmeal-raisin cookies! And I liked oatmeal and raisins. Guess I’m weird…
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
I love Alice.
cleokaya over 3 years ago
I like raisins, but not in a cookie
pshea over 3 years ago
Actually, it’s raisins surrounded by a cookie.
6turtle9 over 3 years ago
I’m with Alice on this one. This rude bakery worker is off my Christmas Card list.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 3 years ago
Alice is quite the precocious child. A common trope in comic strips.
donnagant622 over 3 years ago
I won’t be reading this strip anymore kids are to bratty
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
Rude four-year-old “babies” don’t deserve any cookies.
Alice should be made to apologize to the nice Bakery Lady!
angryparsnip Premium Member over 3 years ago
Just add some chocolate chips and everything is alright.
JP Steve Premium Member over 3 years ago
Bad timing. I O/D’d on oatmeal raisin cookies just before my monthly blood test. Now my Doctor wants to see me…