My flip-phone is from ±2003, and its only problem is spam calls.
Alas, they have told me they’re shutting down the network that supports it; if they don’t have a flip-phone that’s compatible with the newer network, I’m off to another provider (which is fine, as I have always hated Sprint; customer service bad enough to get mentioned in the same breath as Comcast & Dell).
A note to all these people complaining about phones controlling their lives: Are you so afraid of offending people that you can’t just let calls go to voicemail?
Bilan about 3 years ago
That would be the best Christmas present of all, an ad-blocker that works on all ads and pop-ups.
Concretionist about 3 years ago
Wait, they ported 1989? To what platform?
Michael Helwig about 3 years ago
The best internet connection would block stupidity.
CanuckAmuck about 3 years ago
Then get rid of your phone plan. Have a phone just for the purpose of 911 calls.
Ignatz Premium Member about 3 years ago
The store shelves here are full.
Teto85 Premium Member about 3 years ago
For Xmas of 1977 I got a rain check and had to wait until March to get R2-D2. Made it that much better for me.
ChukLitl Premium Member about 3 years ago
We need another panic to hold our attention between commercials for the 24/7 news cycle.
Cozmik Cowboy about 3 years ago
My flip-phone is from ±2003, and its only problem is spam calls.
Alas, they have told me they’re shutting down the network that supports it; if they don’t have a flip-phone that’s compatible with the newer network, I’m off to another provider (which is fine, as I have always hated Sprint; customer service bad enough to get mentioned in the same breath as Comcast & Dell).
The Wolf In Your Midst about 3 years ago
A note to all these people complaining about phones controlling their lives: Are you so afraid of offending people that you can’t just let calls go to voicemail?
swenbu Premium Member about 3 years ago
And I thought I was the only complainer!
badeckman about 3 years ago
When phone people look up long enough to notice, they just can’t believe I only have a flip phone, and I only carry it when I go to work.