I saw something yesterday that I haven’t seen in a long time that restored my faith in humanity: a man & wife kissing! In public!
Sights and Sounds are great. Butt Smells is where it’s really at.
What you need, pooch, is a smellavision set.
When my former two beagles got restless in the winters I would go in the pantry and open containers and let them smell them. It worked like a charm.
me too
To each his own, I guess. For me, one of the major perks of working remotely is that no one I work with minds if I’ve eaten sardines for lunch.
blunebottle over 3 years ago
I saw something yesterday that I haven’t seen in a long time that restored my faith in humanity: a man & wife kissing! In public!
Doug K over 3 years ago
Sights and Sounds are great. Butt Smells is where it’s really at.
Sir Isaac over 3 years ago
What you need, pooch, is a smellavision set.
stamps over 3 years ago
Moonkey Premium Member over 3 years ago
When my former two beagles got restless in the winters I would go in the pantry and open containers and let them smell them. It worked like a charm.
oakie817 over 3 years ago
me too
paullp Premium Member over 3 years ago
To each his own, I guess. For me, one of the major perks of working remotely is that no one I work with minds if I’ve eaten sardines for lunch.