Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for December 29, 2021

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    Charks  about 3 years ago

    Who will get the last second shot?

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    BikeMike  about 3 years ago

    “Choke “ Tevin? Pranit is too busy on his phone checking his fantasy team.

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    Bluedarter  about 3 years ago
    Coach Gil is still teaching that Bob Cousey two-hand set shot. Three passes before you shoot!
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    C Michael Holloway Premium Member about 3 years ago

    “Sweeps a rebound” is not a phrase I’ve ever heard used by an actual basketball announcer.

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    Mr Reality  about 3 years ago

    In all reality , Speaking of chilli fans you gotta try Pecco and Paco’s Mexican Restaurant for Milford’s finest bowl of chilli . Remember fans they’re proud sponsors of this broadcast , tell them Senor Marty sent you.

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    michaeljwolff  about 3 years ago

    “Dallas George clanks a three-pointer, and Milford remains chilly from beyond the arc . . . and I just realized I’m actually still at home and am delivering commentary on an old Red Skelton film.”

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    James St. John Smythe  about 3 years ago

    Make that 12/30 from beyond the three point line…

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    Irish53  about 3 years ago

    As the game progresses, Marty’s commentary becomes more slurred and the names get more bungled “..Ward Krock-ziz with the hoop….”

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    Mopman  about 3 years ago

    Gil’s advice for Tevin to play rough obviously paid off. Maybe? Who knows, unless he’s seen winning the game in tomorrow’s strip by being physical, or getting whistled for a game losing foul, that whole first half “let them play” setup was meaningless. Not that this strip has ever neglected to follow up on something before, ha.

    And speaking of neglected, I almost neglected to inform you that today’s Mopped Up Thorp is online.
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    dadjo  about 3 years ago

    Wait, Korczyk is back in? What happened when Tevin went in for him yesterday? I guess he didn’t let everyone know he was there.

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    bearwku82  about 3 years ago

    Freshly scented loofahs aren’t the only hygienic product the Mudlarks need for optimal performance. They need BOOM! Tough actin’ Tinactin! RIP John Madden who helped provide great memories coaching the Raiders.

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    hifirick1953  about 3 years ago

    Sure the guy in p1 is wide open but he is shooting from the half court line. High percentage shot Gil has him taking.

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    chiphilton  about 3 years ago

    The way I read this, Dallas George clanks a three pointer, Tevin sweeps the rebound, and Korczyk fast breaks the wrong way and scores for All Saints.

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    twainreader  about 3 years ago

    P-1: Dallas George exhibits Mental Health issues when he makes his shooting hand a Bird talking to his support hand.

    P-2: We discover 2 things about Marty: a) English is a second language and b) He’s a strong Mudlark supporter and has adopted Tevin’s Cheek Black marking.

    P-3: Korczyk isn’t amused when he discovers some prankster has replaced the game ball with a Medicine Ball. His wrist injury will sideline him at least three weeks.

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    oldsmkysyvr  about 3 years ago

    In the first panel…. there is 12/29 left on the clock.

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