Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for January 19, 2022

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    carlsonbob  about 3 years ago

    Good. I nominate Manfred, Antonio Brown, and Trevor Bauer.

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  2. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 3 years ago

    They’ll have a Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal winner.

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    Papared25  about 3 years ago

    Antonio Brown, Brooks Koepka, and Bryson DeChambeau. One narcissist and two spoiled brats.

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  4. Rays
    TampaFanatic1  about 3 years ago

    AB for being AB, Lebron and the IOC for sweeping the atrocities in China under the rug and then act like they are above their critics.

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  5. Strega
    P51Strega  about 3 years ago

    Aaron Rodgers! Not just a jerk but potentially deadly.

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    zathb Premium Member about 3 years ago

    How can I get on the sjoy expansion committee?

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    Polsixe  about 3 years ago

    The end-of-year ones make you forget anyone from early in 2021. Brown only had his melt down 02 Jan of this year and otherwise was quiet in 2021?

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    ajr58(1)  about 3 years ago

    Brown, Novak Djokovic, and IOC

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    alanvoss1969  about 3 years ago

    Rob Manfred for the all star game, Labron James for being himself, China for the Olympics

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    Painted Wolf  about 3 years ago

    Novak Djokovic #1, by a mile. Antonio Brown and Aaron Rogers tied, but well behind the Joker.

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  11. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  about 3 years ago

    I nominate Antonio Brown.

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    Ravenswing  about 3 years ago

    Brown, of course; Xi Jinping (seriously); and Novak Djokovic.

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  13. Missing large  about 3 years ago

    I don’t nominate ANtonio Brown because I don’t think we’ll ever see or hear from him again. But others will remain in the public eye.

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  14. Wanderer auf nebelmeer
    kv450  about 3 years ago

    Thanks, Tank – a welcome rules change …I nominate Novax Djokovic, Aaron Rogers, and (as always) Jerry Jones.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    How about the NFL Cowboys QB who, rather than follow the rule he has known about since he started playing organized football handed the ball to his center rather than the ref, then blames the ref for running out the clock. Then praised fans for throwing objects at the refs after the game ended. He is one of my choices for SJOY for 2022. Just as Djokovic is as the incident in Australia happened in 2022

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  16. Chili wreath
    Diamond Lil  about 3 years ago

    David Stearns of the Brewers for being OK with his team sleeping during the post season

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    buckman-j  about 3 years ago

    Please remind readers it’s from 2021, so they quit using AB, Joker, etc. There are plenty in 2021 to choose from. Only short term memory people seem to be responding.

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    Dave Zimny Premium Member about 3 years ago

    This just in — Novax Djokovic!

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    MrsBeamer  about 3 years ago

    AB and Novax misbehaved plenty in 2021. They qualify.

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    rob_sawyer44  about 3 years ago

    Just give it to Novak Djokovic for 2022 right now

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    ElVez2  about 3 years ago

    Invite the next nudnick who wants to the right to choose to a women’s Pro Choice Rally. Let me know how that goes

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    Ironhold  about 3 years ago

    For two of my three nominations, I’d like to name Vince McMahon and Nick Khan of WWE wrestling.

    In 2020, 2021, and now again in 2022, Nick Khan signed off on multiple rounds of mass-layoffs within the promotion, including critical behind-the-scenes staff and top-selling wrestlers such as Braun Strowman. Not only have many of these wrestlers since gone to other promotions, the roster cuts have been so deep that they’re now “borrowing” wrestlers from Impact just to fill out the 30 people needed for the annual Royal Rumble event.

    Vince McMahon, meanwhile, made the disastrous decision to put the show that focused on his developmental (re: not quite ready for prime-time) talent against AEW wrestling’s flagship program, and then scapegoated his own son-in-law, the head of the program, when it lost the ratings war. Not only has he essentially sent his son-in-law, who basically suffered a major heart attack over the matter, into exile, he’s seized control of the developmental show, remaking it into essentially a parody of what it once was because he truly believes that he knows best.

    For my third nominee, that’d be Tommy Dreamer. When presented with serious allegations regarding fellow WCW alumnus Ric Flair (allegations that pre-date eligibility), Dreamer responded by blowing them off and not taking them seriously. It would have been understandable if he was confused and said he didn’t think Flair capable of what he was accused of, but instead Dreamer laughed the allegations off as if it was nothing to be concerned over.

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    dm.funnell  about 3 years ago

    1. Aaron Rogers2. Dave Bedford3. Robert Anderson

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