Lisa Benson for February 03, 2022

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    sipsienwa Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Still rather watch it than murdoch’s.

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    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    Um, what? Because he didn’t follow the rules and resigned, the entity who had employed him is sinking? Stupid cartoon. As usual. You go girl!

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Bwahahaha! The Communist News Network has been in the tanks for years because of their lying propaganda and disinformation. Heheheh, and all the lefties here suck up CNNs crap, just look at Sip’s comment. Zuckerberg is a prime example of what is so screwed up by the left wing Democrats. But the key note that everyone is missing is that CNN is supposed to be making money. Yeah, there’s that capitalism raising it head. Zuckerberg’s shenanigans have been well known for a long time, but now the corporate decision has been made that the Z must be sacrificed for the bucks. Duh. Should have been done years ago. Yet the lefties still suck up to the CNN lie and give them a pass, Sipsienwa is a prime example. They just enjoy the suck.

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    A Whiz  over 2 years ago

    CNN ratings have been tanking with a shocking loss of viewers over the last year. I wish they’d get back to being a reliable source of unbiased news that you could trust like they were in the less-polarized years.

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    William Bednar Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I wonder if Lisa will draw a similar toon featuring Fox News, when one of their stalwarts is found out doing something similar? Or, will she blame it all on Biden?

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  6. Sunimage
    Sun  over 2 years ago

    Liar Marxist Disciple CNN had not ever any credibility to speak of.

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    At CNN, they hold their own accountable, while at Fox, they give them bonuses and promotions.

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  8. Benfranklin
    Bill.Franklin  over 2 years ago

    CNN has more in common with the Soviet Pravda than it does a news agency.

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  9. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 2 years ago

    If you’re going to have Lisa’s job you should at least be honest, and scrutinize ALL under the same lens. CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC and all the rest. They need to be judged just as harshly and just as honestly.

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    rickmac1937 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Another do as I say but don’t do as I do

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    guyjen2004 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Zucker’s relationship with Gollust was already known by everyone. It has been going on for 17 years. Zucker leaving probably has more to do with the Chris Cuomo firing and investigation and CNN’s abysmal ratings. No doubt Cuomo pointed out the hypocrisy of his being canned while Zucker was free to boink an employee for years. Zucker’s personal hatred of trump gave a green light to everyone at CNN to flush any semblance of professional journalism right down the toilet. We see the results of that in their ratings. I just heard a media report that mentioned that Fox News currently has more democrat viewers than CNN. AT&T is trying to sell CNN. Zucker’s leadership has become a liability. If he had not resigned, it wouldn’t be long before he was canned.

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    jhayesd31  over 2 years ago

    A CNN guy has a consensual relationship with a subordinate and resigns.

    Some how more of a scandal than Trumps Sexual assault of a dozen women.

    Griten’s Rape of a women in bondage

    Roger Ailes harassment of half his female staff


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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    CNN’s ratings are dismal, losing ad $ and light weight staffersadd to their problem. You must know that if you watch it!

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    My First Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Funny Lisa. Hit it right!

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Well there is another fantasy blown up, I have imagined a number of CNN hosts in bikini underwear.. boxers just won’t do it.

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    IndyW  over 2 years ago

    Great toon again Lisa, spot on, “You go girl!”

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    Rich Douglas  over 2 years ago

    The guy broke a rule. That’s it. He shouldn’t have done it; you can argue whether or not the punishment is commensurate with the action, but it isn’t going to sink CNN, no matter what Right Wing wet dream you’re having.

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    lawguy05  over 2 years ago

    CNN is a joke and an embarrassment – has been for decades going back to when the phrase Clinton News Network was coined. They are nothing but propogandist and LIARS!!

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    AMBER1  over 2 years ago

    I hope those “boxers” have been CLEANED before they were put up there, on the mast. ;)

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    dyerjames944  over 2 years ago

    Another love boat sinking in the sea of love at sunset. And just in time for Valentine’s Day. Where’s Gilligan and the Skipper when you need them.

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    ragsarooni Premium Member over 2 years ago

    WSJ stated in their article that,unlike far too many,this was actually consensual……..what’s the big deal? (Also askin’for a friend….;-)

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    Ukko wilko  over 2 years ago

    CNN has been sunk for years. If they didn’t get themselves included in basic cable packages, they would have gone out of business years ago.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Here are reasons that the MSM is going down: Progressive Propaganda; CNN was top of the game on feeding that 24/7, they are paying for it now. Antifa/BLM riots good, Truckers bad, cancel Joe Rogan, Whoopsie made a mistake, no need to cancel; everyone who disagrees with them are racists, but we must flood the government with black females whether the best or not. It’s gotten ridiculous. A “Freedom Convoy” of truckers has gathered in Ottawa, Canada, to protest vaccine mandates for travelers.The media has been busy calling these patriots “Nazis.” No, really–that’s actually what the media has been calling them. SOURCES: AntiHateCanada, SalonThese aren’t Nazis, they’re just sick of draconian COVID measures! In Ontario restrictions include: SOURCE: Ottawa.caIndoor gatherings restricted to 5 people; outdoor gatherings 10.Gyms, theaters, and indoor performance centers closed.Vaccine passport required to enter restaurants, bars, sporting events; basically everywhere.And note that in Ontario, almost 80% of residents are fully vaxxed. SOURCE: Covid19tracker.caBut it’s not just Ontario, nationwide the government has cracked down on its citizens. SOURCES:, ABCNewsIn Quebec, up until January 17, residents were curfewed in their homes from 10 pm to 5 am.And last week, Premier Francois Legault announced all unvaccinated adults would have to pay a financial penalty.And remember the pastor who has been arrested 3 times for his pushback against COVID measures. SOURCE: YouTubeTrudeau called the group a “small fringe minority” and condemned them for their views. SOURCE: TwitterThis was right in line with when he characterized the unvaccinated as “misogynist” and “racist.” SOURCE: Twitter

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    More hypocrisy and propaganda:A statue of Terry Fox in Ottawa was “defaced” by vicious protestors.The statue was vandalized with a Canadian flag and a sign that read “Mandate Freedom.” SOURCE: TheStarFormer Conservative charity chancellor James Moore tweeted, SOURCE: Twitter“Terry Fox died of cancer that he exacerbated on his Marathon of Hope running across Canada trying to raise money to fight a deadly disease – quite the opposite of what’s happening here. Have a protest, do your thing, don’t disrespect this monument of a Canadian hero.”Brad West, Mayor of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, tweeted: SOURCE: Twitter“I’m the Mayor of Terry Fox’s hometown. He’s our city’s hero, national inspiration and an unifier. Whatever your cause, you don’t get to appropriate his legacy and you don’t touch his statue. Ever. This should be removed immediately.”There was a single swastika flag spotted in Ottawa, which has sent the media into full propaganda mode. SOURCE: TwitterA Facebook user named Mickey Anthony claimed responsibility on Ben Shapiro’s Facebook page, writing: SOURCE: TNC“These are my flags and I have the right to fly them.”The user apparently lives in Wuhan, China, and has 4 followers and a single post…totally a real person! SOURCES: FacebookThe media is clearly trying to create a reason to vilify the protestors with false flags.The Novia Scotia government banned people from gathering along the roads in support of the convoy. SOURCE: NoviaScotiagovAnd this video shows nails being placed on the roads. SOURCE: TwitterDespite the obvious passion behind the protests, Ottawa police reported no violence or injuries. SOURCE: OttawaCitizen

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Jay Williams, ESPN“The media is a problem. The fear-mongering needs to stop! Every damn narrative I read over the past couple days: ‘The unvaxxed vs the vaxxed.’ ‘The minorities voice that shouldn’t be heard.’ ‘The progressive NBA is not setting the right example!’”

    Williams also points out over 90% of the NBA have gotten their Fauci Ouchies. Not quite the 97% Joe Biden says America needs so we can get back to normal. But to be fair, Joe Biden is an idiot. While 90% is a lot, the fear-mongering press remained focused on the few players who are speaking out.

    What I find funny is how some in the media are angrier at vaccinated players, if those players believe someone’s personal medical choices are just that. On Friday night, Don Lemon lashed out at Draymond Green for not othering his teammate. Whoopi Goldberg is pissed off at LeBron James for refusing to tell people what to do with their bodies. Both players in those cases got their shots. They just don’t have much of an opinion on if you get yours or not.

    That should be the rational opinion of most Americans. That also explains why so many lefties hate it.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Leftists and the media (but I repeat myself) look to destroy anyone who goes against their narrative. Just ask Nicki Minaj’s friend’s cousin. This past week, the media have had their fangs out against the NBA. Not the entire league. Just the players who don’t want to get vaccinated. Also, the players who got vaccinated but aren’t attacking their teammates who haven’t. The left’s message to the NBA is simple. The NBA is supposed to be progressive. If NBA stars aren’t going to use their massive platform to push a narrative that is causing other progressives to be the most misinformed about COVID, those stars should shut up and dribble when it comes to other things.

    - Louder with Crowder

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    To recap, Joe Biden was in New York City. Two dudes reminded him and MSNBC what failures they all are. Film at 11.

    watch the video:

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    The cable news community was rocked to its very core on Wednesday. CNN honcho Jeff Zucker resigned once it became known—to the public, that is—that he was shagging his subordinate Allison Gollust. The consensual love affair was an open secret among the content creators at CNN. Gollust used to work for Andrew Cuomo. The news about Zucker started to leak when Andy’s idiot brother Chris was set to go scorched Earth over CNN firing him. It’s a story full of scumbags and garbage people, and one more might get involved: CNN’s genderless potato head Brian Stelter.

    CNN insiders tell The Daily Mail that Stelter needs to be the next one to go.Stelter, who looks like if Stewie from “Family Guy” binged on an entire pallet of Girl Scout cookies, is supposed to be CNN’s “media reporter.” That’s why one insider says they need to fire Spudly: “He is allegedly our top media reporter – yet he failed to report on the scoop that everyone in the office knew. And if he wants to say he didn’t know, he is truly terrible at his job.”

    Brian Stelter is terrible at life, but in his defense, he can’t be expected to know about this unless he saw it on Fox News first. When Stelter got around to blogging about it, he called Zucker an “influential executive” who reshaped the “the iconic network.” Journalisming!Another insider said Stelter should start looking for a new job: “He’s been Jeff Zucker’s water boy for years .” That would explain the influential executive part. The insider goes on to say, “He’s been sitting on his moral high horse doing Jeff’s bidding and ripping Fox and every other media outlet that Jeff tells him to while his ratings crash and burn. Where was he on the biggest story at his own network after chastising everyone else?”

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Another insider said Stelter should start looking for a new job: “He’s been Jeff Zucker’s water boy for years .” That would explain the influential executive part. The insider goes on to say, “He’s been sitting on his moral high horse doing Jeff’s bidding and ripping Fox and every other media outlet that Jeff tells him to while his ratings crash and burn. Where was he on the biggest story at his own network after chastising everyone else?”

    I’m guessing Stelter was busy devouring his second breakfast cheesecake. That’s the whole cheesecake he eats every morning after his main breakfast cheesecake, kinda like a breakfast dessert. Then Stelter gets the lotion and tissues and watches Fox News, feeling bad about himself that Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity won’t play with him. Had Stelter been good at his job, it may have prevented him from having The Washington Post scoop him on another story.

    Remember the Andrew Cuomo/Chris Cuomo lovefest that CNN shredded its last remaining bit of journalistic integrity over? It was the brainchild of Zucker and Gollust. Zuckust for short.

    It’s wishful thinking, but I can’t imagine CNN actually firing Brian Stelter. CNN only fires people if there is sex or minors involved. Jeffrey Toobin fapping himself didn’t even count, and he kept his job. Stelter should be safe, for now.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    I cannot stop laughing at CNN referring to itself as “the iconic network” in its story on its president’s resignation over an embarrassing sex scandal.

    This is CNN.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Rules for thee but not for me…

    To condense this CNN fiasco: Chris Cuomo welcomed his brother as a frequent guest on “Cuomo Prime Time” in the early weeks of the pandemic, when the governor was riding high in the polls, only to abandon the topic as the governor’s covid-19 and sexual harassment crises built this year. Then, in May, it was revealed that Chris Cuomo had participated in discussions with Andrew Cuomo’s aides to hammer out a response to the sexual harassment allegations. In a statement, CNN scolded the move as “inappropriate” and said it wouldn’t happen again.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Good read: link at bottomCountries ending mandates:

    Denmark recently announced that starting February 1, it will drop all mandates for vaccinations and face masks.

    Boris Johnson recently declared an end to the COVID restrictions in the UK. He said, “We will trust the judgment of the English people.”

    Why can’t we do that in the US? Isn’t it time to trust the judgment of the American people?

    Whether you ask a red or blue pill person, it’s clear that both sides have compelling rationales to end the mandates and the State of Emergency.

    Interestingly, the rationale for each side is completely different, but the conclusion is the same.

    Here’s how they stack up.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Surprise! Tucker Carlson Draws the Most Democratic Viewers in Key Demo, Even Topping Rachel MaddowNielsen Fusion data for October shows the Fox News host’s audience isn’t entirely conservativeNielsen MRI Fusion suggests those nightly dispatches may not be necessary: In October, the most recent month for which data is available, Carlson’s 9 p.m. ET program was the top cable news show among Democrats in the advertiser-coveted age range of 25-54.

    The Nielsen MRI Fusion numbers reveal that in October, Fox News unsurprisingly got the majority of the audience of self-proclaimed Republicans, with 69% of them overall tuning into total-day programming and 73% of them in the demo tuning into primetime programming. CNN and MSNBC split the remaining conservatives with totals in the low double-digit percentages. Fox News also commanded the largest number of independents in the key news demo during primetime and total-day hours: 55% of those 25-54 watched the network in primetime, compared to CNN’s 23% and MSNBC’s 22%. During total-day hours, 58% of independents in the demo watch Fox News, 18% chose MSNBC and 25% selected CNN.Earlier Tuesday, Nielsen released January’s ratings, which also provided a big win to Fox News. The network hit the milestone of becoming the top-rated cable news channel for 20 straight years.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    FIFA Footballers Dropping Left & Right, December Deaths Match Annual Average For Past 12 Years [VIDEOS]One of these videos has already been banned by YouTube at least twice. – WHY??????

    While there have been numerous stories of people having serious side effects from the COVID-19 drug, a former soccer star, Matt Le Tissier recently took part in an interview where he expressed grave concern about the number of athletes he has seen collapsing on the field due to heart problems.

    Once playing for Southampton F.C., Tissier admitted that the spike in collapses was noticed when the COVID-19 jab was made available to the general public. Not only was Tissier calling for an investigation into the matter, but his words come after a study found that professional soccer players dying from cardiovascular issues had doubled every three months. In December 2021 alone, the number of deaths roughly equaled the total average annual deaths over the last 12 years.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Why isn’t the MSM talking about this? Another reason they are going down, protecting their narrative at all costs, why?

    In the video, which is featured below, Tissier discussed what he has seen on the field and the connection between fatalities and the COVID-19 drug. What makes Tissier’s words so powerful is the fact that he once was a famous soccer star. If anyone knows what the body goes through during a match, it would be him. With that in mind, Tissier admitted he couldn’t “remember a single game being halted for a medical emergency in the crowd.”

    Watching the videos of athletes collapsing and seeing it himself, Tissier added, “that’s a bit weird, what are they doing that for? That’s not real. It doesn’t take a genius to watch those videos and go – do people even fall down like that?”

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    The MSM played right along with the disinformation campaign:

    The fraudulent campaign to thwart the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin involved numerous acts of wire fraud, which together clearly establish a pattern of racketeering activity under the RICO statute, which triggers treble damages under 18 U.S.C. § 1964©.

    Among the private parties complicit in this fraudulent campaign were the manufacturers of the U.S.-authorized COVID vaccines—Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson—as well as Merck, Bill Gates, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Glaxo Smith Kline, the Wellcome Trust, and major social media platforms, prominently including Facebook (whose CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, holds massive financial interests in for-profit vaccine companies), all of whom will potentially be named as defendants. Other complicit individuals include numerous governmental officials, including White House medical advisor and NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, FDA Acting Director Janet Woodcock, former Director of Operation Warp Speed Moncef Slaoui, and Rick Bright, former Director of Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), who will not be defendants due to governmental immunity doctrines but who will be named as willing co-conspirators.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    The Media Outlets Demanding Joe Rogan’s Removal from Spotify Spread Far More Disinformation

    To justify their efforts to pressure Spotify to remove Joe Rogan, employees of media corporations claim to be deeply concerned by the “disinformation” he is spreading. Yet nobody spreads disinformation more aggressively, destructively or recklessly than these media corporations, strongly suggesting some different motive in wanting Rogan silenced.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Nobody nails the lib loonies better than JP. Funny depiction of the hypocrisy and loathing of contrary opinions to the MSM’s.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    I can’t wait to see the losers when they have to start reporting truth. They most likely will act as if they said nothing contrary previously.

    Has The Red Carpet Been Rolled Out For A Mainstream Pivot On Ivermectin?Forget the lab leak or cloth masks. The mainstream pivoting on ivermectin would be the most disgusting and disgraceful Covid pivot we’ve seen yet.Just yesterday even more ivermectin controversy started: this time around joint nonclinical research being done with the drug by Japanese company Kowa Co Ltd.Except, instead of the “normal” ivermectin controversy – which consists of arguing over whether or not the drug is “horse paste” despite its discovery being nominated for a Nobel Prize for use in humans, it being including on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines and being dosed hundreds of millions of times to human beings by doctorsAnd when the left undoubtedly writes this collection of data off as “anti-vaxx” (a label that is being tossed around with less care for its meaning than ‘white supremacy’ nowadays), remind them that the site also encourages the use of vaccines, stating:“Vaccines and treatments are both valuable and complementary. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used. Elimination of COVID-19 is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all current and future variants. Denying the efficacy of any method increases mortality, morbidity, collateral damage, and the risk of endemic status.”

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Why isn’t the MSM investigating this?

    Biden’s ridiculous free N95 mask offer

    Here’s what they aren’t telling you about these free N95 respirators:

    An N95 respirator will “work” for around 2 hours in a hospital or similar setting with filtered air

    An N95 respirator will “work” for around 30 min outdoors

    If you have facial hair, forget it. It will not seal. If you were expecting at best 1% protection before, it is now 0%.

    So if 200M Americans receive two respirators each, they get around 4 hours of protection. And that only works if the respirators are fitted perfectly with no gaps and people are trained on their use. And as we noted before, even if everything was perfect, you aren’t likely to get anywhere close to 95% reduction in virions (because of the size of the particles and the rate of airflow into the respirator), and even with such a reduction, that’s unlikely to make the difference between getting infected and not getting infected.

    In general, N95’s are ineffective with respect to protection against viral spread. Randomized studies show cloth and surgical masks do nothing. Zero.

    Not surprising at all. If you read the WHO 2004 “Laboratory Biosafety Manual” (Third Edition) it says, “Surgical type masks are designed solely for patient protection and do not provide respiratory protection to workers.”

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    apfelzra Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Yeah, like those chauvinist morons at Fox News weren’t guilty of much worse a few years ago. Don’t have much of a memory, do you Lisa?

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Reporting these days is regurgitating the assigned script, journalistic investigatory skills or basic questioning are no longer needed.

    I cannot say this enough times: the adjusted rate ratios purporting to show how well the vaccines work are basically a lie – even if (most) reporters are too dumb to understand why.Alex Berenson

    And sooner or later, the people making them are going to have to admit the truth – just like they did with masks and school closures and travel bans and everything else.

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    imbas5511  over 2 years ago

    Glad to see it sink! Karma’s a Woopie!

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    dandye  over 2 years ago

    COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK has become like week-old sushi – it stinks!

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    martens  over 2 years ago

    Two decades ago, as an NBC executive searching for a way to goose the floundering network’s popularity, he gave the green light to a reality show, “The Apprentice,” featuring a flashy mogul whose soon-to-be-famous tagline was “You’re fired.” Trump had a checkered history of bankruptcies, racism and failed real estate projects, but his confident bluster made him a natural on television…

    Zucker created Trump the TV sensation, which was the necessary foundation for Trump the candidate. Years later, after moving from NBC to CNN, Zucker recollected very well that Trump was a self-proclaimed “ratings machine” — a rare instance of Trumpian truth-telling. CNN infamously took his campaign speeches live, sometimes going so far as to broadcast images of an empty lectern with embarrassing chyrons such as “Breaking News: Standing By for Trump to Speak.” You can’t buy that kind of media…

    Zucker expressed a modicum of regret in late 2016. “If we made any mistake last year,” he said, “it’s that we probably did put on too many of his campaign rallies in those early months and let them run.”…

    And I’ll note that CNN recently has done important work, including specials about the Jan. 6 insurrection and a new “Democracy in Peril” show in the 9 p.m. slot recently occupied by Chris Cuomo.

    But why is American democracy in peril? Some portion of the blame — not a tiny portion — belongs to the network executive who couldn’t resist the “ratings machine.”

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Jimmy Dorn breaks down CNN’s years of lies

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Watch your mouth here is America

    Democrats Are Pressuring Companies to Censor For Them: a Violation of the First Amendment

    Defenders of growing online censorship typically use euphemisms to argue that private companies have the right to make whatever “content moderation” decisions they want. Even if true, that’s not what is happening. Democrats are using their majority power in Washington to pressure companies to censor for them. Jen Psaki’s demands for Spotify to do more about Joe Rogan is just the latest example of this unconstitutional practice.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Tuckers mandate protest: Terrorists?

    Not one building burned. Not one store looted. Not one person assaulted. Not one cop pelted with bricks or molotov cocktails. Not one police cruiser burned.

    And the media/political elite are calling the truckers terrorists.

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