Frank and Ernest by Thaves for May 07, 2022

  1. 1628996 t1
    enigmamz  almost 3 years ago

    Take them all off, keep the one you like, and then the rest back. It’s just a wall peg.

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  2. Pexels pixabay 278823
    Doug K  almost 3 years ago

    It’s not Chaos when the “random numbers” are put in order on a peg.

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  3. Missing large
    uniquename  almost 3 years ago

    If they could make it truly random and write the computer code for that algorithm, they could make an awful lot of money.

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  4. Intraining
    InTraining Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Ernie was hungry… he got number 3.14…!

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  5. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  almost 3 years ago

    Or just wander in and take your chances.

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  6. Copy of msg apa181
    The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    You don’t know if you’ll still be alive when your number gets called.

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  7. Bob 1
    moondog42 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Chaos theory is about finding randomness out of order, not randomly randomizing order. One of the famous experiments is the pendulum — which has a specific order to its cycle.

    The Chaos Theory version says “Let’s put the base of the pendulum on a vertical spring”. Physics-based hijinks ensue, including certain cycles where the pendulum does a 360 (or some multiple thereof) just when you thought it was running out of energy.

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  8. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  almost 3 years ago

    From Chaos eventually comes Order, from Order eventually comes Chaos.

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