Pluggers by Rick McKee for May 23, 2022

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 2 years ago

    darn right ’bout that

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Books are cool, but ereaders are cool too. Different tools for different jobs.

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    jmolay161  over 2 years ago

    Online reading can get sore on the eyes after awhile. Something about that mysterious electronic “blue” light.

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    nyssawho13  over 2 years ago

    Well this plugger, like many others, has gone to audio books. Easier on the eyes, budget, and holding those books that can be very heavy. Audio books are also great for visually impaired plungers who cannot read and miss their books!

    Following link is for you or maybe someone you know:

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    zerotvus  over 2 years ago

    I miss Clive Cussler………

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    jhpeanut  over 2 years ago

    Absolutely! The screen version bothers my eyes.

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    Geophyzz  over 2 years ago

    And it’s a hardcover!

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    pheets  over 2 years ago

    I love a good book but also appreciate the fact that my mildly extensive library is ~8Ă—10, and weighs less than me.

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    ctolson  over 2 years ago

    When it comes to mysteries, even with e-readers, I get antsy and head to the last chapter.

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    goboboyd  over 2 years ago

    A good book disappears in your hands.

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    mistercatworks  over 2 years ago

    I was confused for a moment thinking of musical page-turners who assist concert pianists. (I blame “9 Chickweed Lane”)

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    greenlynn Premium Member over 2 years ago

    My wife, definitely a Plugger, uses recorded books she gets from the library because her eyesight is becoming worse.

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  13. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 2 years ago

    Real books is the best. E books is unbearable (unless you want to searches for something in the book, which is easier on an e version).

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    mikeywilly  over 2 years ago

    The nice things about a book in your hand, you can read it in direct sunshine, it needs no recharging, a piece of paper marks your spot!

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    mafastore  over 2 years ago

    Husband has taken up reading books on his computer due to eyesight that was affected by his cataracts and his discomfort in suddenly needing eyeglasses to read. On the computer he can make the page as large as he needs it to be able to read comfortably without needing his glasses.

    Plus the books are a lot cheaper on same and while we have not wanted to go out including to the library during the pandemic – he can have his choice of books without needing to go to get them or return them. Our library is part of a county wide lending system between the libraries (each library is owned/run by local community) but when reading e-books he also has access to the NYC library system with so many more books than just the various libraries in the county.

    I have gotten to the point where I am no longer interested in fiction and instead read several periodicals of non-fiction on paper. While I prefer to read our regional newspaper on paper – I have been reading it online as I read the newspaper on the kitchen table after dinner and did not/do not feel comfortable putting a newspaper which has been handled by people so soon before I read it during the pandemic on our kitchen table, so I read the online version for now.

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