SCUBA divers who explore caves have procedures to insure they get out. Many of them wouldn’t apply to exploring a tire whale, but a few would. Take at least 2 lights, and secure one end of a string outside, and unroll the string as you move inwards. Rewind the string as you return to the outside world.
Back in the 60s we had a gigantic all wood gym with big permanent bleechers on both sides. We found a door that was broken and could get under there on the home side. For about a week we explored and discovered things in the cavern like, cobweb infested underworld in there. We did no harm, but it was an experience. When we got caught, and we did, we were not punished. We were just told to stay out of there. Some 4 years later in 1972 the whole thing burned down, taking the caverns, mysteries, and discoveries with it. As well as our high school basketball uniforms.
Thebuka over 2 years ago
wise words from a wise man.
angelolady Premium Member over 2 years ago
Keep courage, Wallace!
Ida No over 2 years ago
Don’t look to Dad for encouragement. Don’t even look to Dad for dad jokes. Just keep looking, Wallace. Just keep looking.
Fishenguy Premium Member over 2 years ago
Remember, you are “Wallace the Brave”!
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 2 years ago
One year I gave out flashlights as stocking stuffers for Christmas. I was surprised that no one had any.
jschumaker over 2 years ago
Dad jokes. Heh-heh. Heh.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 2 years ago
Wallace is his own “light at the end of the tunnel”!
ddjg over 2 years ago
He’ll get there, and there will be no there, there, à la Gertrude Stein. Just dust. But it’s the “or maybe” that intrigues us . .
maxiesmom2 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Wonder if we’ll see more of the tire whale saga tomorrow or if we’ll have to wait until Monday? Awesome things do happen on Sunday!
Diat60 over 2 years ago
Words to inspire, words to inspire!
raybarb44 over 2 years ago
While a funny saying by his Dad, there IS wisdom in what he says…..
scyphi26 over 2 years ago
…Yup, that sounds like his dad all right.
WCraft Premium Member over 2 years ago
Whereever you go; there you are.
Charlie Fogwhistle over 2 years ago
SCUBA divers who explore caves have procedures to insure they get out. Many of them wouldn’t apply to exploring a tire whale, but a few would. Take at least 2 lights, and secure one end of a string outside, and unroll the string as you move inwards. Rewind the string as you return to the outside world.
donwestonmysteries over 2 years ago
A Dad joke, Wallace. Not meant to be illuminating.
Faustus Mitternacht over 2 years ago
Back in the 60s we had a gigantic all wood gym with big permanent bleechers on both sides. We found a door that was broken and could get under there on the home side. For about a week we explored and discovered things in the cavern like, cobweb infested underworld in there. We did no harm, but it was an experience. When we got caught, and we did, we were not punished. We were just told to stay out of there. Some 4 years later in 1972 the whole thing burned down, taking the caverns, mysteries, and discoveries with it. As well as our high school basketball uniforms.
shamest Premium Member over 2 years ago
onward ever onward
brooklyn51 over 2 years ago
Dads.. ya gotta love ’em.
wordsmeet over 2 years ago
Wallace’s dad is a walking, talking dad joke. :D