I am still trying to teach my adult child to say, “lie down” to her dogs instead of “lay down.” I really don’t think the dogs care either way. At least Buckles understands English. My dog came to me after 6 years of hunting and knew no words at all. Further working with her led me to understand that she really doesn’t understand the entire concept of language. I still put her in dog therapy class, skipping over all the obedience classes, and she aced it. She may not understand the commands, but she loves everyone and has the perfect personality for her work. She did all the required commands for the final test – sit, stay, down, come, down-then-sit. She heels with no problem, other than outside for just a walk she tends to zig-zag a little with her nose on the ground as the hunting instincts will never go away. I would love a dog like Buckles!
dadthedawg Premium Member over 2 years ago
We are stuck on you, Buckles…..
iggyman over 2 years ago
Laughed out loud at this one!
Lomax9er7 over 2 years ago
Not exactly a “working dog” is he. Still, he’s one our favorites.
cmerb over 2 years ago
The circle image is just precious and the Lovable Buckles is and will always be the " Lovable Buckles " : )
saylorgirl over 2 years ago
I love this comic strip! It always makes me laugh! Love Buckles mishaps.
CaveCat87 over 2 years ago
I think Buckles just contradicted your claims, Jill.
daisypekin01 over 2 years ago
& maybe not!
Stephen Gilberg over 2 years ago
Of course, we’re used to training dogs who can’t speak in the tongues of men….
donwestonmysteries over 2 years ago
This strip just keeps getting better and better. Glad I stumbled onto it.
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
I am still trying to teach my adult child to say, “lie down” to her dogs instead of “lay down.” I really don’t think the dogs care either way. At least Buckles understands English. My dog came to me after 6 years of hunting and knew no words at all. Further working with her led me to understand that she really doesn’t understand the entire concept of language. I still put her in dog therapy class, skipping over all the obedience classes, and she aced it. She may not understand the commands, but she loves everyone and has the perfect personality for her work. She did all the required commands for the final test – sit, stay, down, come, down-then-sit. She heels with no problem, other than outside for just a walk she tends to zig-zag a little with her nose on the ground as the hunting instincts will never go away. I would love a dog like Buckles!
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
Buckles’ “whoa too slow” comment shows he has a more advanced concept of the “high five” command than Paul does.
lindz.coop Premium Member over 2 years ago
He TALKS…isn’t that enough??