Nice to see Brutus get a day off once in a while. I am sure it has happened before, but this is the first time I remember seeing TBL without the title character. (Maybe Brutus is streaming a movie in his room. Either that or putting in some OT at the office so he can buy Wilberforce a phone of his own.)
While my brother and I had chores and homework to do, we were encouraged to have hobbies besides sitting in front of the black and white tv. I built model airplanes, boats and the like, took up archery and became an amateur bowyer, or whatever piqued my interest. I read and continue to read voraciously. Now, it saddens me to see not just kids, but whole families at a restaurant staring intently into their phones, texting or etc.
At least he isn’t being sent to his room to play with all electronics and texting on his own cell phone. I am not against technology, but kids need to vary their activities.
dear ol’ dad always set a good example, giving us outdoor chores to do while he sat inside watching sports on the tube. many years on, i still love being outdoors and don’t own a tv…
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member over 2 years ago
The leopard cannot change his spots.
The dude from FL Premium Member over 2 years ago
OK, send him to his room with no entertainment except his own imagination….I’m not so old that I can’t see Wilberforce not entertaining himself…sorry!
Jeff0811 over 2 years ago
Nice to see Brutus get a day off once in a while. I am sure it has happened before, but this is the first time I remember seeing TBL without the title character. (Maybe Brutus is streaming a movie in his room. Either that or putting in some OT at the office so he can buy Wilberforce a phone of his own.)
nosirrom over 2 years ago
What’s old is new again. Those 7" TV screens from the 1940s and 1950s are now Smart Phone screens. And as with after market add-ons of the 50s
we now have similar add-ons today.
GROG Premium Member over 2 years ago
Go do your homework.
mgl179 over 2 years ago
She’s asking the wrong question. The actual question should be is how long has she allowed him to sit in front of the TV
Just-me over 2 years ago
While my brother and I had chores and homework to do, we were encouraged to have hobbies besides sitting in front of the black and white tv. I built model airplanes, boats and the like, took up archery and became an amateur bowyer, or whatever piqued my interest. I read and continue to read voraciously. Now, it saddens me to see not just kids, but whole families at a restaurant staring intently into their phones, texting or etc.
Chris over 2 years ago
well that’s fine, you may look at the river stream, but your not using her phone. ;)
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member over 2 years ago
“What we have here is a failure to communicate.” And get out of Dad’s chair.
MuddyUSA Premium Member over 2 years ago
A good example of a techno kid!
raybarb44 over 2 years ago
Lesson not learned it seems…..
jmworacle over 2 years ago
At least Wilburforce is honest.
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
At least he isn’t being sent to his room to play with all electronics and texting on his own cell phone. I am not against technology, but kids need to vary their activities.
bigplayray over 2 years ago
Turn on a BallGame for him to watch! BTW… Congratulations Guardians! Bring on the Stink Stankee Yankees!!!
petermerck over 2 years ago
I’ve been doing that while lying in bed at night. Most times it takes me 3 or 4 days to watch a whole movie.
cuzinron47 over 2 years ago
You’re expecting him to have an imagination, look who his role model father is.
heathcliff2 over 2 years ago
Try some solitaire with a deck of cards. Nowadays a person can stream many of the same movies and other programs anytime.
gopher gofer over 2 years ago
dear ol’ dad always set a good example, giving us outdoor chores to do while he sat inside watching sports on the tube. many years on, i still love being outdoors and don’t own a tv…