Nothing like fanning the stink, Pils old boy. You would think Moony would inhale it like ambrosia given his own ‘high’ standards of cleanliness.
It must be the engorged armpits lol
Birds sweat? Who knew!
Time for a Cockatoo (don’t snicker) I’ve been told they smell like baby powder.
Ask your honey ’’You in the mood for a Cockatoo?
Her reply ’’Who’d you have in mind?’’
“Underwing” is funny.
It’s not the underwing; it’s the stuff you stand in.
I’ve shopped and shopped in most stores now, and I’ve never found “underwing deodorant”! And that may be your bigger problem, Pilsner….
LOL, birds don’t sweat! :D (I should know)
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray over 2 years ago
Nothing like fanning the stink, Pils old boy. You would think Moony would inhale it like ambrosia given his own ‘high’ standards of cleanliness.
Frankie5466 over 2 years ago
It must be the engorged armpits lol
Indiana Guy Premium Member over 2 years ago
HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member over 2 years ago
Birds sweat? Who knew!
Redd Panda over 2 years ago
Time for a Cockatoo (don’t snicker) I’ve been told they smell like baby powder.
Ask your honey ’’You in the mood for a Cockatoo?
Her reply ’’Who’d you have in mind?’’
rossevrymn over 2 years ago
“Underwing” is funny.
WCraft over 2 years ago
It’s not the underwing; it’s the stuff you stand in.
schaefer jim over 2 years ago
Sisyphos over 2 years ago
I’ve shopped and shopped in most stores now, and I’ve never found “underwing deodorant”! And that may be your bigger problem, Pilsner….
M2MM over 2 years ago
LOL, birds don’t sweat! :D (I should know)