Its not free it comes from our taxes id much rather I and others get benefit from what we pay in taxes instead of it going offshore to a billionaires account .
If you don’t pay into the system and avoid contributing into social security or unemployment programs Relax… plenty of free stuff and cash is available to you—- it’s supplied by millions of bewildered citizens who do in fact play by the rules, pay their share and underwrite these support services programs.
a “Get out of Jail Free” card, a “free-for-all” entry into the country, free sunshine while the sun is out, and free wind (hot air) as long as he talks.
I love when people whine about democrats wanting “free stuff”. We don’t want free stuff, what we want is our taxes to be used to benefit us. We waste so much money and send so much to help other people. I want to benefit for a change.
kingdiamond69 over 2 years ago
Its not free it comes from our taxes id much rather I and others get benefit from what we pay in taxes instead of it going offshore to a billionaires account .
Pharmakeus Ubik over 2 years ago
If this was Ted Cruz, he’d be taking credit for things he voted against.
Zykoic over 2 years ago
Nothing is free.
Oh Really? over 2 years ago
If you don’t pay into the system and avoid contributing into social security or unemployment programs Relax… plenty of free stuff and cash is available to you—- it’s supplied by millions of bewildered citizens who do in fact play by the rules, pay their share and underwrite these support services programs.
Doug K over 2 years ago
a “Get out of Jail Free” card, a “free-for-all” entry into the country, free sunshine while the sun is out, and free wind (hot air) as long as he talks.
Pickled Pete over 2 years ago
Wearing a red tie – Mmmm, does that mean something?
edge32 over 2 years ago
I love when people whine about democrats wanting “free stuff”. We don’t want free stuff, what we want is our taxes to be used to benefit us. We waste so much money and send so much to help other people. I want to benefit for a change.
goboboyd over 2 years ago
His Tchotchke budget could be insightful about his biggest donors, his personal tastes, or his ability to waste someone else’s money.