I consider myself to be a decent writer. I’ve even made a living at it as a tech writer while looking for work in my primary job as an engineer.
There really isn’t a lot of difference between engineering and writing. As an electrical engineer, I took resisters, capacitors, inductors, power sources and wires and put them together in various ways to make different kinds of circuits.
As a writer, I took nouns, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions and other parts of speech to make different kinds of sentences.
As an engineer, I drew schematic diagrams to show how the circuits were put together. As a child in grade school, I drew schematic diagrams to show how sentences were put together.
I wonder if diagraming sentences has gone the way of cursive writing.
One of my duties when I used to work for USDA was to edit manuscripts which research scientists would write. Invariably, they would write in passive voice. It used to drive me nuts, but I was told not to correct it so I just gritted my teeth and let it go.
eromlig about 2 years ago
Under the spreading chestnut tree?
Farside99 about 2 years ago
Well, don’t that just jargogle you?
TStyle78 about 2 years ago
Is that where new words come from?
PraiseofFolly about 2 years ago
“Or do you say ‘Wordsmythe”?
dflak about 2 years ago
I consider myself to be a decent writer. I’ve even made a living at it as a tech writer while looking for work in my primary job as an engineer.
There really isn’t a lot of difference between engineering and writing. As an electrical engineer, I took resisters, capacitors, inductors, power sources and wires and put them together in various ways to make different kinds of circuits.
As a writer, I took nouns, verbs, adverbs, conjunctions and other parts of speech to make different kinds of sentences.
As an engineer, I drew schematic diagrams to show how the circuits were put together. As a child in grade school, I drew schematic diagrams to show how sentences were put together.
I wonder if diagraming sentences has gone the way of cursive writing.
Diat60 about 2 years ago
Is “cattywampus” similar to coddiwample?
Lee26 Premium Member about 2 years ago
This was just amazeballs.
Zebrastripes about 2 years ago
fencie about 2 years ago
This scene would be familiar in a linotype shop but the method differs.
goboboyd about 2 years ago
He’s in cahoots with every wrangler that knows not to squat on their spurs.
Lynnjav about 2 years ago
These days, wordsmiths are under a weeping willow.
mr_sherman Premium Member about 2 years ago
I need a pair of Knickerbockers.
Chris Sherlock about 2 years ago
One of my duties when I used to work for USDA was to edit manuscripts which research scientists would write. Invariably, they would write in passive voice. It used to drive me nuts, but I was told not to correct it so I just gritted my teeth and let it go.