Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for January 17, 2023

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    Klubble  about 2 years ago

    P3: Is Tobe now identifying as Oriental?

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    Kidon Ha-Shomer  about 2 years ago

    It could be worse; they could be hawking band turkeys!!!

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    dadjo  about 2 years ago

    I wondered where Neil Rubin went after leaving this strip. Apparently he became a grocery mogul in Milford.

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    LawrenceS  about 2 years ago

    “Buy… in trying times”? Who wrote their sales pitch. “Buy a chocolate bar to support the X program at Milford High?” brings out those loyal to the school.

    And, good grief, is HB as old as I am? $1 is now cheaper than the bar at the store! When I was in high school a $1 bar was twice the price of the ones in the store. The chocoholics would be snatching these up. Where did they find a supplier who provided them with the inexpensive bars? Donation from a Milford alum? Did they fall off the back of a truck?

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    huskiecoach  about 2 years ago

    Can we get back to basketball – or Mimi on the golf course in January – please?

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    Gil-doh!  about 2 years ago

    P1 The humans of Milford don’t seem to see a bargain when they see one, but the ants, knowing the value of a dollar, swarm in to take advantage of the offer.

    P2 Now we know where kids today get their manners.

    P3 smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em, who’d rather fight than switch?

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    Irish53  about 2 years ago

    P 1.5: “…get lost, you weirdo…”

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    bearwku82  about 2 years ago

    Obvious Doyle Dane isn’t spearheading this athletic supporting fundraiser. In the real world, many schools sell coupon cards with discounts at various merchants. Example: Buy one dinner at Ricozzi’s and get a second dinner half price. Tobe is eating the inventory before there is a chance to sell it. Maybe try something radical like, selling peanut butter mixed with chocolate.

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    chiphilton  about 2 years ago

    “May I offer” is an odd way to phrase a sales pitch. The woman says no, but hasn’t the offer actually been made?

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    Bluedarter  about 2 years ago

    And then they decide to set up business in front of the police station.

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    Twainrdr  about 2 years ago

    I think we’re missing the point. Milford is as messed up as the story line. Apparently, it’s genius to think Vaping is more desirable than Chocolate. Now, I’ve been a smoker (long, long ago), known smokers, am married to a Vaper, and known Vapers. Like the old Commercials, 9 out of 10 would pick Chocolate every time. Unless, that’s some really lame chocolate.

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    MailbuEd  about 2 years ago

    Can HB choose a story arc and stick with it for longer than one day?

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    lemonbaskt  about 2 years ago

    meanwhile at the clubhouse in scottsdale the windows are getting foggy

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    hifirick1953  about 2 years ago

    What about the drinking at the bonfire? Nothing? No one snitched??

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    MailbuEd  about 2 years ago

    “May I offer a $1 chocolate in these trying times?” What does that even mean and who actually speaks like that? Surely not a teenager. (Nobody does and don’t call me Shirley) Figured I’d just beat the crowd.

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    chiphilton  about 2 years ago

    Toby must go to the same hair stylist as Marty.

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    tomhallett  about 2 years ago

    This is directed to Henry Barajas. I have been reading Gil Thorpe religiously since the mid-1960’s. It is unfortunate that you are the target of a lot of negativism because you are trying to bring about some change. It would be correct to say that the strip largely skirted many of the social issues that existed over the past many decades. And I fully understand you trying to bring some of these issues forward. Unfortunately, though, I believe that the tact you are taking is doing nothing but turning people off – so rather than educating people, which I believe you are trying to do, you are instead turning people off. I am one of those people – I may quit reading the strip after about 55 years.Why is it? It is not because of the subject matter. The problem is that you appear to forget that this is a comic strip. You really should have only two story lines going at a time — one of which has to be sports-related. Instead, you have countless lines going at one time. And because the characters look alike, or because we may not remember who is who, the average reader is not going to truly follow what is going on. Further, because you have so many story lines going at the same time, some never come to a conclusion or the reader may not understand the conclusion — which is really important to a comic strip.

    Please understand that you should be in this for the long-term – so you do not need to address every type of social issue at once. Deal with them one at a time over a long time. This will make the strip more palatable.

    I feel for you in that many of those replying are just trying to be hurtful in their comments. I do agree that you probably need to have someone more familiar with high school sports proof your column periodically for viability. But at the same time, I will say that many of the comments made by readers about these issues actually show a lack of understanding of high school sports on the parts of the readers.

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    Klubble  about 2 years ago

    P3: Are they standing in front of the POlice station? POt dispensary? PO Boys Unlimited?

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    Klubble  about 2 years ago

    P2: Is that Bud’s Bud Shop in the background? If so, selling chocolate there would probably be a better option.

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    Mopman  about 2 years ago

    They need Big Ken Brown to sell them for the school. He definitely would make it happen! And speaking of happening, what’s happening today over at Mopped Up Thorp?
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    That kid with Marfan  about 2 years ago

    This is the 3rd consecutive day without potential lesbian action. I’m going back to Marmaduke:

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