I had an incident at one of the jobs I worked where the CTO (my boss) made a sexually inappropriate comment about one of my employees. When I brought it to the attention of the CEO, (his boss) he said, ’Don’t worry, we can beat that one in court."
My boss was quite egotistical and had a penchant for lying.
I demanded that my boss apologize to the woman in question. First he denied that he did it, until I provided witnesses and then he reluctantly agreed. The woman wanted me in the office with her when he did it. His apology was something like, ‘I didn’t mean anything by it. I say stuff like this all the time."
The apology happened on Friday. On Monday, I was laid off. I was able to clear out in less than an hour (I had a premonition that I may have to vacate on a moment’s notice) while everyone was at lunch. About 2 PM my staff showed up at my house with a couple bottles of wine and we had a party.
And, no, my boss’ name was not Donald. At least he fired me face-to-face and not in a twitter post. I’ll give him that much.
Why is it that if a blue collar criminal injures (or worse) one or more people, he’ll probably go to jail, but if corporate big shots injure thousands, they get probation and/or a big bonus, if they even get prosecuted.
Business as usual. White collar crimes affect thousands of people yet the criminals get off with a slap on the wrist, if that. Fines have become the cost of doing business. We need to send them to prison if we want things to improve.
or back to kicking the deficit can down the road, deflect and project our failures onto our political opponents, and keep getting re-elected to office because our constituents are lazy, greedy, low-information dysfunctional wards of the state…
This is America- if you’re making money then it’s understood that it doesn’t matter how or who gets hurt. Of course, you have to kick a small percentage to the politicos to look the other way but that’s just cigar money these days.
Why is Bannon still walking around? What about all the GQP congressmen who ignored lawful subpeonas? Susan McDougal did 22 months for refusing to answer to Congress.
rmremail about 2 years ago
Nobody wants to pass any regulations that might hurt corporate profits because we all have 401Ks that invest in them.
in.amongst about 2 years ago
Nothing broke during the lunch break – so all is well!
Enter.Name.Here about 2 years ago
Sadly so true.
sandpiper about 2 years ago
Reading the news, it seems to be the pattern. Trial is just a break from everyday chicanery. A kind of paid vacation with lunch for many.
eastern.woods.metal about 2 years ago
I’m surprised the judge isn’t there with them pounding them back. ‘course he’s probably back in chambers checking on his bank balance
mrwiskers about 2 years ago
Too much cynicism for me at 6 am.
dflak about 2 years ago
Business Ethics: beating the rap.
I had an incident at one of the jobs I worked where the CTO (my boss) made a sexually inappropriate comment about one of my employees. When I brought it to the attention of the CEO, (his boss) he said, ’Don’t worry, we can beat that one in court."
My boss was quite egotistical and had a penchant for lying.
I demanded that my boss apologize to the woman in question. First he denied that he did it, until I provided witnesses and then he reluctantly agreed. The woman wanted me in the office with her when he did it. His apology was something like, ‘I didn’t mean anything by it. I say stuff like this all the time."
The apology happened on Friday. On Monday, I was laid off. I was able to clear out in less than an hour (I had a premonition that I may have to vacate on a moment’s notice) while everyone was at lunch. About 2 PM my staff showed up at my house with a couple bottles of wine and we had a party.
And, no, my boss’ name was not Donald. At least he fired me face-to-face and not in a twitter post. I’ll give him that much.
b.john71 about 2 years ago
Money talks….the rich walk
patduck1 about 2 years ago
You nailed it.
kv450 about 2 years ago
Why is it that if a blue collar criminal injures (or worse) one or more people, he’ll probably go to jail, but if corporate big shots injure thousands, they get probation and/or a big bonus, if they even get prosecuted.
Ignatz Premium Member about 2 years ago
A bank defrauds customers of $100,000,000, and when they’re found guilty, they’re fined $1,000,000. Why WOULDN’T they do it again?
Alverant about 2 years ago
Business as usual. White collar crimes affect thousands of people yet the criminals get off with a slap on the wrist, if that. Fines have become the cost of doing business. We need to send them to prison if we want things to improve.
goboboyd about 2 years ago
… The next order of business is…
timinwsac Premium Member about 2 years ago
They must be employed by PG&E, it doesn’t seem to matter how many people they kill or towns they burn down no one goes to jail.
ladykat Premium Member about 2 years ago
Is that how it really works?
paranormal about 2 years ago
Aw shucks! I wanted to see someone hang!!!
Will E. Makeit Premium Member about 2 years ago
or back to kicking the deficit can down the road, deflect and project our failures onto our political opponents, and keep getting re-elected to office because our constituents are lazy, greedy, low-information dysfunctional wards of the state…
kathleenhicks62 about 2 years ago
Sadly true- – -
NickelAlloy about 2 years ago
This is America- if you’re making money then it’s understood that it doesn’t matter how or who gets hurt. Of course, you have to kick a small percentage to the politicos to look the other way but that’s just cigar money these days.
gregcomn about 2 years ago
Sophism always rules in corporate America. about 2 years ago
Dennis The Menace has to stand in the corner.These guys get punished less
cbgoldeneagle2 about 2 years ago
The truth must hurt your poor feelings so keep up the great work Wiley
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member about 2 years ago
Who is that bathroom for (according to the sign)?
monya_43 about 2 years ago
No one is eating their olives. That was the nutritional part of their lunch. :-P
theoldidahofox about 2 years ago
Send crooks to prison without regard to their wealth.
SofaKing Premium Member about 2 years ago
Why is Bannon still walking around? What about all the GQP congressmen who ignored lawful subpeonas? Susan McDougal did 22 months for refusing to answer to Congress.
T... about 2 years ago
Corporate justice…
keenanthelibrarian about 2 years ago
“All’s well that ends well”" – Shakespeare had it in one …
lindz.coop Premium Member about 2 years ago
About right.