Her biography requires a folder to hold it all? This is supposed to be just a blurb to put on the bookstore’s Web site, not an article on her life for Wikipedia.
As The Burnings consume Worstview, a few refugees make their way to the purported safe haven of Centerville, bringing with them a few meager possessions that escaped the flames. We can only hope that Less Moore is not among them, for he is the target of the cleansing fire.
It’s sure great she got a comic book writer to write a freaking manuscript to put on the website as her “bio”. And since I assume he typed this up on his laptop, couldn’t he, oh, I don’t know, email it to her? Since it needs to be online anyway? Now Lillian has to hunt and peck for three days typing this all in.
I’m dreading the day whenever Batiuk decides to make Lil’s bookstore the Centerville branch of the Komix Korner or a seller of Atomik Komix. Agree with many of the commenters here. Let’s keep the Winkerbean invasion of Crankshaft down to a reasonable level.
There’s Duhrenn and an Atomik Komix spinner rack. I didn’t expect it so soon. So blatant.
I quit following Funky Winkerbean for a reason. I got fed up with all the incredibly dull Atomik Komix story arcs. When can we expect to see Les and a Dead St. Lisa flashback? Can somebody please shoot off a flare for me when the guy in the red hat and red windbreaker returns?
J.J. O'Malley almost 2 years ago
Oh, for the love of… Just rename the strip “Cranky Winkershaft and the Atomik Komix Bullpen Gang” already, Baituk!
Bill Thompson almost 2 years ago
Oh, man, how did Dullard sneak in there? And how did he get even uglier than before?
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Her biography requires a folder to hold it all? This is supposed to be just a blurb to put on the bookstore’s Web site, not an article on her life for Wikipedia.
j_m_kuehl almost 2 years ago
Atomix Komix Now in two locations
Blu Bunny almost 2 years ago
Is that suppose to draw a crowd or cheer people up from reading the other humdrum books.
grozar almost 2 years ago
There’s no books in the rack. Excellent marketing.
sueb1863 almost 2 years ago
I’m sure Lillian is just thrilled to stock schlocky comic books at her vintage book store, especially since she didn’t ask for them.
And would she have to pay any fees to the publisher to have these in her store?
puddleglum1066 almost 2 years ago
As The Burnings consume Worstview, a few refugees make their way to the purported safe haven of Centerville, bringing with them a few meager possessions that escaped the flames. We can only hope that Less Moore is not among them, for he is the target of the cleansing fire.
ladykat Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I may need to write a bio and set up a web site as I become a virtual assistant.
dputhoff62 almost 2 years ago
And the trainwreck continues. Why the devil does Lillian’s bookstore need a comic book rack? She doesn’t sell comic books!
And we see Boy St. Lisa. Soon St. Lisa herself will take over this strip. It’ll be worse than having Crankshaft in this strip.
JudithStocker Premium Member almost 2 years ago
The guys figure it would be great advertising – even though nobody goes up to Lillian’s bookstore. They probably are wishful thinking!
Dkram almost 2 years ago
The comics will bring the kids in, and the kids will bring their parents in and they might buy Lillian’s books.
Of course the comics are no longer 10 cents.
Mopman almost 2 years ago
It’s sure great she got a comic book writer to write a freaking manuscript to put on the website as her “bio”. And since I assume he typed this up on his laptop, couldn’t he, oh, I don’t know, email it to her? Since it needs to be online anyway? Now Lillian has to hunt and peck for three days typing this all in.
lemonbaskt almost 2 years ago
The next plotline should be people talking at a diner for weeks on end .
Surly Squirrel Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Sadly, I called this on March 2nd.
I’m dreading the day whenever Batiuk decides to make Lil’s bookstore the Centerville branch of the Komix Korner or a seller of Atomik Komix. Agree with many of the commenters here. Let’s keep the Winkerbean invasion of Crankshaft down to a reasonable level.
There’s Duhrenn and an Atomik Komix spinner rack. I didn’t expect it so soon. So blatant.
I quit following Funky Winkerbean for a reason. I got fed up with all the incredibly dull Atomik Komix story arcs. When can we expect to see Les and a Dead St. Lisa flashback? Can somebody please shoot off a flare for me when the guy in the red hat and red windbreaker returns?
ToneeRhianRose almost 2 years ago
I guess it’s only fair that she help him out by selling his comics since he wrote her bio for free.