I’m with him. With Some of my memories and experiences, l only wish that l could forget. However, I did learn my lessons and do not put myself into situations where l could repeat them. Then again, l am an older man(around your age). If l were 25, l might still repeat them as would Uncle Ted it seems…..
A great choir director and teacher once told me and the rest of the class, that when you make a mistake, just say, “Deny, deny, deny, deny”. He was quite a character.
Forgotten past mistakes are the best kind because you are not going to lose any sleep over them. In Brutus’ case, I am sure his past mistakes represents a potential wealth of lessons to be learned.
First recognize a mistake. Then learn from it. Some lessons are easy – like last night, when there was ice all over outside from sleet that came hard and fast, I did not try to walk down the 2 steps to take my dog out. I used her long lead and let her go alone. Then I threw out salt for the next trip. I have a chair with a fabric seat and back on my porch – it was frozen solid and made a crunchy sound when I pushed on it. This morning I tested the fabric again and could see cracks in the ice so again, I stayed where the porch was dry. Even the grass was icy – I could see her slipping a little. She’s quite the trooper – I don’t have to worry that she might go in a corner when I am not looking. I am not going to fall on ice if I can help it. I only have two feet to balance with.
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It is said that getting older you better remember the far events than the closest.
ʲᔆ almost 2 years ago
sometimes the memory glitch is awfully convenient
oldpine52 almost 2 years ago
What I’ve learned from my mistakes is how to make new ones.
rekam Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Sometimes my really bad ones come back to haunt me in the form of “Why ever did I do that?”
GROG Premium Member almost 2 years ago
That’s the beauty of being older.
dcdete. almost 2 years ago
Anybody that outright tells you that they can learn from their mistakes, are Shirley mistaken!
comixbomix almost 2 years ago
He’s learning…
nosirrom almost 2 years ago
I also have made a wealth of mistakes to learn from. Now if I could only forget them!
Chris almost 2 years ago
pain can be a good reminder, subconsciously pulling you away from it. :]
Geophyzz almost 2 years ago
The Barbra sang it best, “Those too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget.”
Little Caesar almost 2 years ago
Life’s tuition.
Justanolddude Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Learning from one’s mistakes is a myth. If it were true, I would be the smartest person to ever have lived!
Just-me almost 2 years ago
Making mistakes gives you experience, for good or ill.
“Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.” C. S. Lewis
flemmingo almost 2 years ago
Some of my biggest mistakes were opening my mouth!
goboboyd almost 2 years ago
There’s a lesson for every scar. Their expanding ‘legends’ are salve to the Ego.
raybarb44 almost 2 years ago
I’m with him. With Some of my memories and experiences, l only wish that l could forget. However, I did learn my lessons and do not put myself into situations where l could repeat them. Then again, l am an older man(around your age). If l were 25, l might still repeat them as would Uncle Ted it seems…..
ladykat Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I’m always making mistakes. Some of them, I actually learn from, some not so much.
andersjg Premium Member almost 2 years ago
@#$%^#, that didn’t work….
saltylife16 almost 2 years ago
Uncle Ted is retired and through with school. The dream lives on.
preacherman Premium Member almost 2 years ago
A great choir director and teacher once told me and the rest of the class, that when you make a mistake, just say, “Deny, deny, deny, deny”. He was quite a character.
Buckeye67 almost 2 years ago
Forgotten past mistakes are the best kind because you are not going to lose any sleep over them. In Brutus’ case, I am sure his past mistakes represents a potential wealth of lessons to be learned.
Moonkey Premium Member almost 2 years ago
First recognize a mistake. Then learn from it. Some lessons are easy – like last night, when there was ice all over outside from sleet that came hard and fast, I did not try to walk down the 2 steps to take my dog out. I used her long lead and let her go alone. Then I threw out salt for the next trip. I have a chair with a fabric seat and back on my porch – it was frozen solid and made a crunchy sound when I pushed on it. This morning I tested the fabric again and could see cracks in the ice so again, I stayed where the porch was dry. Even the grass was icy – I could see her slipping a little. She’s quite the trooper – I don’t have to worry that she might go in a corner when I am not looking. I am not going to fall on ice if I can help it. I only have two feet to balance with.
PaulGoes almost 2 years ago
Experience is what you get right after you needed it
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Probably better that way.
gopher gofer almost 2 years ago
one of the benefits of old age is memory loss. unfortunately, my wife compensates for my memory lapses…
l3i7l almost 2 years ago
I learned from all my mistakes. Sometimes, it was not to repeat them. Other times, it was how not to get caught.
paullp Premium Member almost 2 years ago
If we all really learned from our mistakes, we’d be geniuses — or at least better human beings.
paullp Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Forgot to include this one:
Experience is a teacher,
But here’s what makes me burn:
She’s always teaching me the things
I did not care to learn.