FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for April 13, 2023

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 2 years ago

    good attempt, Jason

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  2. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  almost 2 years ago

    Help, I Shrunk My Parents

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  3. Giancarlo
    cholomanaba  almost 2 years ago

    keep your mouth shut, Jason

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    "It's the End of the World!!!" Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I play one game on the X-Box, on a 65 inch screen TV. Sure as heck beats the Atari 2600 I grew up with.

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  5. Foolishhandsomebarracuda max 1mb
    Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    For one so intelligent, he’s not very smart.

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    TwilightFaze  almost 2 years ago

    Jason, you should know how your mom operates by now…you’re lucky you still HAVE a TV.

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  7. Squid icon
    SquidGamerGal  almost 2 years ago

    Really, Jason? Is any chance that you were adopted?

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  8. Triscele
    txmystic  almost 2 years ago

    Jason is book smart, but clearly not street smart—should’ve asked Roger…

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    tcayer  almost 2 years ago

    I had a 35 inch tube TV back in the day. It weigh like 300 pounds! Now I have an 82 inch flat screen that barely weighs 50 pounds! For a while, we used a projector and a 100-inch pull down screen. That was cool, but you needed the room dark, which got old. I was browsing DVDs, and saw the Apollo 13 Special Edition. I noticed it said it had the “IMAX Version” included, and I thought “THAT would look great on my 100 inch screen.” I even watched it before it hit me that ANYTHING I WATCHED on my 100 inch screen would be big! Not my finest moment.

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    dflak  almost 2 years ago

    TVs have gotten to to point of ridiculousness. We now have 8K and are still short on 4K content. Screens are now75 inches. At that size, the best viewing distance is about 10 feet. That’s not bad if you have a full sized bar between you and the set.

    But this did work out to my benefit. We recently had to replace our 2-year-old Samsung TV. That’s when I found out how cheap 55 inch TVs have gotten.

    While we were waiting for the new set to arrive we used a 24 inch from my wife’s office. It looked so out of place in the big room. However, I can recall, c. 1955 that our first TV weighed about 150 pounds, had a huge speaker and a 6 inch diameter “green screen.”

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  11. Buddypuppy
    PuggyPug  almost 2 years ago

    I just got a ps5 yesterday. But I have to play it on a 27 inch gaming monitor because my tv is only 1080p

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    petermerck  almost 2 years ago

    42 inch tv just past the foot of the bed, but still watch a movie on my phone resting on my chest.

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  13. Greg backlit
    mindjob  almost 2 years ago

    I’m just waiting for the video game chip to implant in my brain so I won’t need a TV at all

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  14. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Bought a big 75 incher with tax refund for the Stanley Cup & NBA Playoffs. GO TEAMS!!!!!!!

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  15. Large vibing cat pixel 6vszyoz511jz06bc
    Meowise  almost 2 years ago

    One question… why is the controller shaped like that?

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    Dianne50  almost 2 years ago

    My children gave me a 65" TV for my birthday a few years ago because my vision had gotten so bad I could no longer see the old TV from a comfortable distance. I believe they thought an added benefit would be playing their games on it. They were disappointed to discover that its only input ports are hdmi and none of their game systems can hook up to it. Looking into converters but haven’t found any yet.

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    billdaviswords  almost 2 years ago

    For being so smart, Jason sure is dumb.

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  18. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  almost 2 years ago

    Wouldn’t be easier to just take the games away. Why should everyone else suffer. Discipline?

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  19. Giphy downsized
    Angry Indeed Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    Jason should never tell his mother his personal motivations for wanting better tech. He should propose how it would help improve the family’s educational experience and just lie like any successful politician.

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