The implication is that Janice rented a car so that she didn’t have to load the cow poop into her personal vehicle. I can’t imagine anyone doing that in real life, but…. Anyway, all you would have to do is throw one of those dollar store plastic drop cloths into the trunk, load it up, and leave it open for the rest of the day to air out any remain scent.
We had a loaner from the car dealership while they fixed our hail damage. Since there were supply issues (this was even before the plague year), we had it for weeks. Unfortunately it was a small sedan and we were used to a small SUV which was both higher off the ground and held more stuff, so we were very happy to get our own back.
At least they didn’t spend $60k on one of those all-hat-and-no-cattle lifted “trucks” with less usable cargo space than a Pinto hatchback. But I guess some people need them to display their Punisher, Blue Lives and Molon Labe stickers.
pschearer Premium Member almost 2 years ago
What’s in the bag? Manure?
Da'Dad almost 2 years ago
Another 3 bags? Looks like at least two in this trip but Janis’ comment could mean there was a third.
Lucy Rudy almost 2 years ago
Did they rent a car because they were hauling smelly manure? Why not a pickup?
jackgurner almost 2 years ago
The implication is that Janice rented a car so that she didn’t have to load the cow poop into her personal vehicle. I can’t imagine anyone doing that in real life, but…. Anyway, all you would have to do is throw one of those dollar store plastic drop cloths into the trunk, load it up, and leave it open for the rest of the day to air out any remain scent.
The Joke Explainer Premium Member almost 2 years ago
That’s why I get my manure on Amazon.
John Smith almost 2 years ago
Once again the husband is taking crap from his wife :(
John Smith almost 2 years ago
Would the person Janis is buying the cow poop from be considered an “entre-manure”?
SWCarter almost 2 years ago
If they’re getting six huge bags of manure… just how big is their garden? Is there like a “coverage” recommendation per bag?
nosirrom almost 2 years ago
Does Janis realize how expensive that manure is going to be?
$6 a bag plus $200 cleaning fee when they return the car.
arolarson Premium Member almost 2 years ago
We had a loaner from the car dealership while they fixed our hail damage. Since there were supply issues (this was even before the plague year), we had it for weeks. Unfortunately it was a small sedan and we were used to a small SUV which was both higher off the ground and held more stuff, so we were very happy to get our own back.
ddjg almost 2 years ago
“Pine straw”—never heard of it. So they collect fallen pine needles and sell ’em!
Gameguy49 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
colddonkey almost 2 years ago
Read your rental contract. Most will tell you excessive mess accumulates excessive clean up fee.
leeneuman1 almost 2 years ago
WTF is ‘pine straw’?
morningglory73 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I see. They don’t want to put composted cow poop in their own car.
Kawasaki Cat almost 2 years ago
Why do they have a rental car?
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Cow dung!
locake almost 2 years ago
It would be cheaper to rent a small trailer to haul behind your own car.
Purplelady Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Bat guano is better.
sobrown51 almost 2 years ago
Could she not fill up the back seat and passenger seat too?
KevinCarson almost 2 years ago
At least they didn’t spend $60k on one of those all-hat-and-no-cattle lifted “trucks” with less usable cargo space than a Pinto hatchback. But I guess some people need them to display their Punisher, Blue Lives and Molon Labe stickers.
cbs1947 almost 2 years ago
Everybody! Wait! You’re missing something. Why the rental car?
Lori Wall Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Did everyone miss that they are using a rental car? That way they don’t have the stink in their own car.
fritzjurg Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I’ve been a longtime fan of this strip but find today’s strip to be the funniest / wittiest one in several months.
ahnk_2000 almost 2 years ago
I like the idea of getting a rental car instead of messing/stinking up your own.
Peggy Hontz Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Didn’t the hailstorm from the previous day damage the windshield and roof of their car? I assumed that’s why they have a rental…