Frazz by Jef Mallett for April 15, 2023

  1. Img 1931
    Sanspareil  almost 2 years ago

    It doesn’t have to be brightly coloured, subtlety is also a virtue!

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    Erse IS better  almost 2 years ago

    So, If I had running shoes, at that rate, they’d last a lifetime.

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    diazch408  almost 2 years ago

    And it lets Frazz and Miss Plainwell go far on their dates.

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    GiantShetlandPony  almost 2 years ago

    There are two kinds of people. Those that wear out the tops of their shoes first and those that wear out the soles of their shoes first. I tend to wear out the soles first.

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    ewaldoh  almost 2 years ago

    What’s a pair of shoes every couple months for “singles” with income? Give them a couple kids with all new stuff every couple months plus food every couple hours; and they’ll be stretching their shoes 5-10 years like me.

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  6. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    They got it right, from my first orthopedist’s perspective. He said to get new shoes every 300 miles (482.8 km), and ASICS or New Balance on sale are just fine. You don’t need to spend over $100 when you can spend $40.

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  7. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I wear good moccasins and they last a couple of years. According to my fitbit, I walk about 10 miles a week. So 1000 miles. I know I should do more, so don’t preach.

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    Jhony-Yermo  almost 2 years ago

    I won’t disagree, because that is what my daughter does. And not trying to say that Jef, Frazz, and Ms Plainwell are not correct, But me? I like minimalist shoes that are zero-drop. Only replace when totally destroyed.

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    rshive  almost 2 years ago

    I used to run on the Mississippi River bottoms. Boring. Soybeans as far as the eye could see.

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    Jimmyk939  almost 2 years ago

    And it’s good for your sole…soul?

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    tsk5565  almost 2 years ago

    The colorist should have made the shoes they’re wearing brightly colored

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    Cozmik Cowboy  almost 2 years ago

    Want 1) the fastest times and 2) the best foot health?

    Run barefoot (or as close to it as you can stand). Running with several pounds of (obscenely expensive) junk wrapped around your feet is exactly the wrong thing to do. Nothing, or at least so-thin-they’re-almost-not-there shoes, is by far the better way. The success of Nike, et al is 100% due to pure horseshi……er, marketing.

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    Brent Rosenthal Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    And then the old shoes eventually take up landfill space.

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    The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    “And I would run 500 miles

    And I would run 500 more

    To buy a pair of running shoes

    And one more pair from the same store…"

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  15. Bluedog
    Bilan  almost 2 years ago

    300 to 500 miles? Can they put odometers on the shoes then?

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  16. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    I don’t drive and I have most of the things I do within about 1 to 2.5 miles away. I usually walk to all of them unless the weather is awful, then I’ll either reschedule or get a ride from someone who lives near me. I replace running shoes about once a year (often have 2 pairs I alternate). If someone thinks that’s expensive, I just tell them they’re still cheaper than tires.

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  17. Fishbulb
    fishbulb239  almost 2 years ago

    Seems like such a low number that it’s likely an invention of the shoe companies themselves. If I applied that same standard to walking shoes, they’d last only a little more than 2 months. Absurd.

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  18. Plsa button
    Richard S Russell Premium Member almost 2 years ago

    No, you’re running now so you can support the knee-brace industry in a decade and orthopedic surgery in two.

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  19. Whatever  almost 2 years ago

    When shoes are tattered they still consist of 90% or more of their original material. Seems to me there should be a recycling process even when more is needed than just replacement of the soles.

    Expert replacement of soles work – when you do it in time before their wear affects the other parts. Especially when you use them often the decay of the material is of no influence as they are worn out faster than they age.

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