We visited the UK. No place on the credit card receipt to leave a tip, I tried to leave cash. They had no idea what I was doing and gave it back. Just pay servers a living wage, they deserve it. By the way, if you feel you can’t afford to leave an appropriate tip then you cannot afford to eat out.
Be advised I do not tip kidnappers, and no one is going to pay any ransom. Just to poor to pay ransom. But the Government will hunt you down and kill you. You see I know what really happened at Roswell in 1947. They can’t let that secret out.
Bilan almost 2 years ago
It should depend on how long you had to wait for a table.
FreihEitner Premium Member almost 2 years ago
If the aliens helped Brewster to get his head out of the big jar of cheese balls (going back quite a few years on this one) that might be tip worthy.
The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Otherwise, they might never come back.
The Orange Mailman almost 2 years ago
I wouldn’t want to seam cheep either.
cdward almost 2 years ago
Although I tip, I oppose it. Just include enough in the bill to pay the workers sufficiently and be done with it.
While we’re at it, I hate that we add on taxes to the advertised price. Just include the taxes in the price to start with.
LawrenceS almost 2 years ago
I think if they warm the probe, and use lubricant, they deserve one.
geese28 almost 2 years ago
Wow Brewster tips after being “tipped” himself? Even inflation is eating at the extraterrestrial currency lol
SofaKing Premium Member almost 2 years ago
We visited the UK. No place on the credit card receipt to leave a tip, I tried to leave cash. They had no idea what I was doing and gave it back. Just pay servers a living wage, they deserve it. By the way, if you feel you can’t afford to leave an appropriate tip then you cannot afford to eat out.
Radish... almost 2 years ago
Pam shouldn’t probe Brewster.
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
“Hey, guys, I’m gonna tip you, but you’re not gonna find it in there!”
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 2 years ago
“I ain’t cheap, but I CAN be had.”
cuzinron47 almost 2 years ago
He wants to leave a lasting impression of how generous we are with our tips and our body parts.
cuzinron47 almost 2 years ago
Hopefully one day they will do a probe and insert a brain.
blakerl almost 2 years ago
Be advised I do not tip kidnappers, and no one is going to pay any ransom. Just to poor to pay ransom. But the Government will hunt you down and kill you. You see I know what really happened at Roswell in 1947. They can’t let that secret out.
del_grande Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Tipping became an obligation when the IRS decided that it would calculate a server’s tips as a fixed percentage of the cost of their orders.
kenneth.sanger almost 2 years ago
I never know how much to tip a cow….