I’ve smoked Camel unfiltered on a prop airliner. I quite when the price went up to fifty cents a pack. I was tempted to never drive again when gas went from $.39 to $.68 a gallon. That didn’t work out as well.
While cigarette smoking may be down, marijuana smoking is now really high (pun intended) and is government sanctioned generating major tax revenues and by removal of laws prohibiting use, possession etc and In spite of the evidence of its destutive capbilities. lThis has caused more destruction and death in our society that smoking tobacco could ever have caused. Marijuana is also a gateway to many worse drug addictions. It quite possibly contributes to lung cancer also. Science is not, really studying the relation between marijuana smoking and lung cancer due to its being in bed with the the government and the strong marijuana lobby. I’ve never smoked anything in my life. It’s a filthy habit that you can possibly die from but smoking a cigarette in a movie. Come on now…..
I’m old enough to remember television commercials for cigarettes back in the day and separate sections in restaurants for smokers. Guess what, smoke knows no boundaries. I’m ever so grateful indoor smoking finally got banned just about everywhere
I watched Jurassic Park just a week ago and I was shocked by the chain smoking of the chief of operations. Then I realised that when I saw the film the first time that was quite normal. Things have changed a lot.
I remember losing it on a woman who sat across the aisle from me, my 3 children-2 who were still in diapers, and my small daughter and myself at a restaurant after I wrangled them, our groceries and out food to the table, she sat down with a coffee and a smoke. I managed to muster enough rage to get her to move to another table without actually ruining my meal.
How can the FTA improve their credibility? “FDA Mission StatementFDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.”
mccollunsky over 1 year ago
This made me realize that a lot of newer movies and shows really have cut back on smokers and smoking.
blunebottle over 1 year ago
Wouldn’t want to be a bad influence on kids..but keep on pushing that debauchery!
Macushlalondra over 1 year ago
I remember watching a show from the 60’s and they were smoking in hospital rooms!
Zykoic over 1 year ago
“Nine out of ten Doctors who smoke, smoke Camels”
Pharmakeus Ubik over 1 year ago
When I smoke, I only smoke brisket, and country style ribs.
e.groves over 1 year ago
Marlboros were fifty cents a pack when I quit in 1984. They’re about ten dollars today.
ladykat over 1 year ago
My father smoked a pipe and/or cigars. If I am very quiet and concentrate very hard, I can still smell them.
goboboyd over 1 year ago
I’ve smoked Camel unfiltered on a prop airliner. I quite when the price went up to fifty cents a pack. I was tempted to never drive again when gas went from $.39 to $.68 a gallon. That didn’t work out as well.
PuggyPug over 1 year ago
I remember seeing a Flintstones commercial from 1961 promoting Winston cigarettes. It’s on youtube
Alberta Oil over 1 year ago
Our indigenous are always blaming “us” for all the ills brought by the white man, can we blame them for all the deaths caused by smoking?
bueller over 1 year ago
Magazine ads in the 50’s showed a doctor holding a lit cigarette, and saying“Kools are good for a cold !”
raybarb44 over 1 year ago
While cigarette smoking may be down, marijuana smoking is now really high (pun intended) and is government sanctioned generating major tax revenues and by removal of laws prohibiting use, possession etc and In spite of the evidence of its destutive capbilities. lThis has caused more destruction and death in our society that smoking tobacco could ever have caused. Marijuana is also a gateway to many worse drug addictions. It quite possibly contributes to lung cancer also. Science is not, really studying the relation between marijuana smoking and lung cancer due to its being in bed with the the government and the strong marijuana lobby. I’ve never smoked anything in my life. It’s a filthy habit that you can possibly die from but smoking a cigarette in a movie. Come on now…..
Jeffin Premium Member over 1 year ago
And beautiful and cool. Or is that Kool?
Dapperdan61 Premium Member over 1 year ago
I’m old enough to remember television commercials for cigarettes back in the day and separate sections in restaurants for smokers. Guess what, smoke knows no boundaries. I’m ever so grateful indoor smoking finally got banned just about everywhere
cabalonrye over 1 year ago
I watched Jurassic Park just a week ago and I was shocked by the chain smoking of the chief of operations. Then I realised that when I saw the film the first time that was quite normal. Things have changed a lot.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member over 1 year ago
I remember losing it on a woman who sat across the aisle from me, my 3 children-2 who were still in diapers, and my small daughter and myself at a restaurant after I wrangled them, our groceries and out food to the table, she sat down with a coffee and a smoke. I managed to muster enough rage to get her to move to another table without actually ruining my meal.
BWR over 1 year ago
I remember smoking on airlines.
PoodleGroomer over 1 year ago
I remember smoking in military training school classrooms and submarines.
mrwiskers over 1 year ago
How can the FTA improve their credibility? “FDA Mission StatementFDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.”
Ray Helvy Premium Member over 1 year ago
I remember when smoking was promoted as good for you. My mother had me light cigarettes for her. That’s when I learned that ads and commercials lie.