“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”
It amazes me how many people think that Orcas eat humans even though nowhere in recorded history has this ever happened. They do however have an extremely long history of assisting humans in herding fish into nets just as Dolphins still do today around the world. They have also been known to assist weak swimmers by pushing them to the surface and keeping sharks at bay for hours on end. All dolphins do this and that includes Orcas. Some animal behavioralists believe this is due to a cultural contract adapted by Orcas and Dolphins thousands of years ago that they still adhere to today. Now if only we could remember what it is we did right for this to happen then maybe we would stop putting them into sensory deprivation tanks at Sea World and driving them insane. The best anecdote I ever heard was of the Portuguese fisherman who sacrificed his net to save an Orca calf. The mother watched him cut the calf out and once released she swam up and gently nuzzled him for a moment before swimming off. In my book any animal that can express true appreciation is highly intelligent.
One time on a boat out in the Salish Sea the boat owner’s dog jumped in to swim with a pod of orcas that was following. They checked the dog out, found that she was not a seal and more or less pushed her back towards the boat and went around us on their way to a shark breakfast in Vancouver Harbour.
Proper name – orca. To the best of my knowledge, orcas in the wild have never attacked humans. Let me know if I’m wrong.& yes, they are classed as a type of dolphin.
First thing I did when I saw this comic was to research orca v. human. Wild orcas do not attack people at all. They are considerably safer to be around than dolphins. They do, however attack racing boats, at least they have been lately in the news. It appears that the loud engines are disruptive to them. As far as I can tell, a regular boat just puttering around doesn’t bother them.
C over 1 year ago
Your Darwin Award is in the mail
allen@home over 1 year ago
Perhaps you are having trouble understanding the name Killer Whale.
Walrus Gumbo Premium Member over 1 year ago
And you’re practically dinner!
Zykoic over 1 year ago
They would like your liver…
maestrabella67 over 1 year ago
Not practically dolphins, the ARE dolphins, and the only orcas who have attacked humans are those who were in captivity.
Doug K over 1 year ago
And a house cat is practically a tiger.
And your pet dog is practically a wild wolf.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 1 year ago
practically dolphins, yep.
until they’re not
ladykat Premium Member over 1 year ago
You’ll be sorry!
morningglory73 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Don’t swim with killer whales or try to pet bison at Yellowstone.
prrdh over 1 year ago
“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.”
—Mark Twain
Zebrastripes over 1 year ago
Can’t fix stoopid
Ishka Bibel over 1 year ago
They are dolphins.
Frank Burns Eats Worms over 1 year ago
He should have listened to the Orca podcast.
NRHAWK Premium Member over 1 year ago
It amazes me how many people think that Orcas eat humans even though nowhere in recorded history has this ever happened. They do however have an extremely long history of assisting humans in herding fish into nets just as Dolphins still do today around the world. They have also been known to assist weak swimmers by pushing them to the surface and keeping sharks at bay for hours on end. All dolphins do this and that includes Orcas. Some animal behavioralists believe this is due to a cultural contract adapted by Orcas and Dolphins thousands of years ago that they still adhere to today. Now if only we could remember what it is we did right for this to happen then maybe we would stop putting them into sensory deprivation tanks at Sea World and driving them insane. The best anecdote I ever heard was of the Portuguese fisherman who sacrificed his net to save an Orca calf. The mother watched him cut the calf out and once released she swam up and gently nuzzled him for a moment before swimming off. In my book any animal that can express true appreciation is highly intelligent.
Phoenix83 over 1 year ago
Dolphins can be pretty nasty
q94040 over 1 year ago
Tell that to the poor girl who was killed by one at SeaWorld.
Teto85 Premium Member over 1 year ago
One time on a boat out in the Salish Sea the boat owner’s dog jumped in to swim with a pod of orcas that was following. They checked the dog out, found that she was not a seal and more or less pushed her back towards the boat and went around us on their way to a shark breakfast in Vancouver Harbour.
Impkins Premium Member over 1 year ago
I don’t know, those piddies look pretty tasty! :)
sedrelwesley2 Premium Member over 1 year ago
Proper name – orca. To the best of my knowledge, orcas in the wild have never attacked humans. Let me know if I’m wrong.& yes, they are classed as a type of dolphin.
NoSleepTil_BKLYN over 1 year ago
We truly do live in the…AGE OF STUPIDITY!
mistercatworks over 1 year ago
Mmm, covered in “coconut sauce”.
Doug K over 1 year ago
This is practically the time not to be practical about it.
Laurie Stoker Premium Member over 1 year ago
First thing I did when I saw this comic was to research orca v. human. Wild orcas do not attack people at all. They are considerably safer to be around than dolphins. They do, however attack racing boats, at least they have been lately in the news. It appears that the loud engines are disruptive to them. As far as I can tell, a regular boat just puttering around doesn’t bother them.