Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 21, 2012

  1. P1030210
    ckcsmum Premium Member about 13 years ago

    first comment dance My dog so does this! So do I!

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  2. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Iā€™m sure Aaron and Billy will have something to say about this one. Although LMB seems to have a great life with one of his buddies always around. Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d do well with sad puppy eyes myselfā€¦Good morning, Susan! Aaron will be late today ā€“ hope it all went well!Hello to GsMom, Billy, KFG, gmforde, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenaskitty and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!

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    legaleagle48  about 13 years ago

    This is one reason that cats are easier to have ā€” they donā€™t make you feel guilty every time you leave the house!

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    Francine Long  about 13 years ago

    This very thing has happened to me more times than I can count. Oh the guilt!

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    liketolaugh  about 13 years ago

    There is no living creature better at guilting you out than a dog!

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  6. Violet bay
    LiviaBay  about 13 years ago

    Sigh! My 3 pups do this every timeā€¦.

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  7. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  about 13 years ago

    Little Muttley Beagle is a guy and not into such trickery. Iā€™d guess that this works only on females with female dogs. (Aaron is now raising one arm to protect his face and awaiting the female tirade to subside).


    He is spoiled that he has either of us at home at all times. He does seem to know when Iā€™m supposed to be home in the a.m. He waits on the bottom stair near the front door and he calmly sits and waits for me to pick him up instead of going nuts. In the late afternoon, heā€™s got his favorite spot to sit and wait for Dr Billy to arrive at home; at his supper dish in the kitchen. :-D


    Time to nap for a bit. Test results will be out in a couple days. Dr Billy may reports his version of the day sometime this evening.

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  8. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 13 years ago

    @ Mona ā€“ please pass the bowl of chocolateā€¦ I have decided to give up chocolate for Lent (collective gasp) so I am eating whatever I have in the house today. Hopefully I will get to the point where I donā€™t even want to see chocolate for 40 days. Even my kids couldnā€™t believe it because I always smell like chocolate.

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  9. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  about 13 years ago

    Both of my little dogs are world class experts of the puppydog eyes. And I have no hope of being able to resist. Sigh

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    BillyJL  about 13 years ago

    Geez Electra, could you teach me that? Iā€™ve got a short list of people Iā€™d like to give puppy dog eyes to. Bring ā€˜em right to their knees. I do see potential in LMB but heā€™s just over a year old.


    LOL lightenup We didnā€™t find friend Aaronā€™s heart on the MRI. We did find feelings, but way way way deep. We also got a shadow of an outline that weā€™ve concluded is his evil twin. I suspect Evil Twin came out and spoke out of turn today. (I do know, by now, that few will take him seriously. Right? If some of the newer readers donā€™t know how to take his humor, take it as just his humor. He really is a nice guy. Thatā€™s 18 years of experience talking.)


    Iā€™m a bit amazed that he did go to work tonight. He slept a grand total of 4 hours in the last 24. As heā€™s done in the past on a day of bad/short sleep, heā€™ll ask for lighter duty tonight. Being half awake on an EMS run isnā€™t something heā€™ll do. Guess that means we found his heart after all. Hmmm, go figure.


    Later all. Basketball awaits.

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    BillyJL  about 13 years ago what you said last night ā€” nice. Very nice. And I do, and will always promise to.

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    Gretchen's Mom  about 13 years ago

    Dr. Billy: Iā€™ve got news for you . . . based on your picture that you use as your avatar here . . . youā€™ve already got that sweet, ā€œpuppy dog eyeā€ thing going on so quit trying to be so modest!



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    Gretchen's Mom  about 13 years ago

    Aaron: I guess I should probably be mad at you for making such a sexist comment earlier but I just canā€™t because youā€™re absolutely right ā€” at least where Iā€™m concerned anyhow! I feel the same way about my dog as Cathy does right now about Electra. Whenever she looks at me with that wagging tail and those big, brown, hopeful eyes, I pretty much canā€™t resist anything I think she wants! Sheā€™ll be 10 years old next month and sheā€™s had me wrapped around her little paw since the day we brought her home when she was 3 months old! I fully admit that Iā€™m just a big softie where sheā€™s concerned and if people think Iā€™m crazy, then they can go kick rocks! Sheā€™s not just a dog to us . . . sheā€™s a very important member of our family and we love her!

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    Gretchen's Mom  about 13 years ago

    By the way . . . good evening, Aaron, Dr. Billy, lightenup, K.F.G., Susan, Mona, rgcviper, gmforde,, puppybreath, serenasakitty, hendelca and all the rest of the Cathy Fanatics joining us here tonight. Nice to ā€œseeā€ you all!



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    Koolfunkygrrl  about 13 years ago

    LOL @ Electraā€¦my dog doesnā€™t really do this, as long as I pet her before I leave in the morning, sheā€™s fine..although she does go kinda crazy when I come home in the evening to walk herā€¦..Good evening yā€™allā€¦ā€¦too lazy/tired to type everyoneā€™s namesā€¦you know who you are :)

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  16. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member about 13 years ago

    @ Billy ā€“ LOL!!!!!! LOVE your explanation!! I wish I could save it somehowā€¦ it made me totally crack up!! :-))) Bad EvilAaronTwin! ;-)Maybe heā€™s like the Tin Man and we need to find the Wizard of Oz to give him a heart. If you find the Wizard, please ask him for a brain for meā€¦@ GsMom ā€“ I know, Billy does have those sweet puppy dog eyes, doesnā€™t he? LOL!@ KFG ā€“ Some days I donā€™t even know which end is up, let alone who I am. Jeez, youā€™re asking for a lotā€¦ ;-)

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  17. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  about 13 years ago

    Admit it, Cathyā€”youā€™ve been duped ā€¦ by the dog.

    Hello, everyone.

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  18. Cathy aack Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Hi Cathyites! Good to hear we all seem to be animal lovers.

    Glad to hear Aaron got thru the day ok ā€” hope the test results come out on his side!! (I know he is in good hands Billy!). Also glad to hear he has the sense to ask for a lighter load after the anxious days and arduous testing.

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    hendelca Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Good evening fellow Cathy Nuts ā€“ or good morning really. Finally got a chance to visit comics and I suspect I am here about 10 minutes or so from turnover.I think we really are all animal lovers here ā€“ cats are my favourite but no pets now ā€“ an probably not again. I take it way to hard that they donā€™t live as long as I do. (I was a 90ā€™s kind of guy way way before the 90ā€™s!)

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