Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 01, 2012

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    hendelca Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians!

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    mollie05  over 12 years ago

    Happy Canada Day to you also from a fellow Canadian

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    mollie05  over 12 years ago

    Just got in from Florida a while ago
15 hr drive to Kentucky and saw car thermometer go to 108F coming thru Alabama and Tennessee..What a scorcher!! Good Morning fellow Cathy nuts, I’m going to bed.

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    Why why why is Cathy shopping for her style of sunglasses at the department store? Two words Cathy — drug store. Hiking at 15,000 feet — like on the way to the peak of K2? Sigh. Good thing I’m a gentleman or I’d tell Sales Lady what to do with her $375 sunglasses.


    We slept out in sleeping bags last night. LMB is still inside of Aaron’s — with Aaron by the way, who wants to be Mr. Lazy Bones all morning. 7:00 a.m. on a nice summer day is enough motivation to get me up and out.


    Morning Susan hope you’re not baking. Will I think about lightenup this morning? Nah. Hello Cathyites far and wide. Happy Canada Day to our friends up North. I hope you’re well. Hi KFG not here overnight? Must be taking lazy lessons from Aaron.


    hi mom!

    (for tomorrow).

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  5. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  over 12 years ago

    Thunk LOL Not a better word in the universe for Cathy finally being shocked. I’m assuming she fell over like a felled tree.


    My ego says that I have to defend myself about Billy’s lazy comment earlier. I’m merely conserving energy should I feel like entering a 10K run. So there. :-P


    I won’t think about lightenup today either. Nope, can’t make me. I might think about later in the week but lightenup is definitely off the radar all day.

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  6. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  over 12 years ago

    Good morning everyone. I have just one question. Why are the frames of some of those glasses upside down? Well, I guess if someone would pay $375.00 for them, it must be because they would be unique.

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  7. Ben pawst
    serenasakitty  over 12 years ago

    Happy Canada Day to all of us Canadians and all the best to everyone else.

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    rgcviper  over 12 years ago

    I believe an “eye-roll” and an “AACK” are in order today.

    Happy Sunday, all.

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    Aaron’s and my updated avatars represent our little LMB who we love_very_ much. I think Snoopy would like the little guy. :-)

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    BillyJL  over 12 years ago

    I just now noticed (and how I missed it before I’ll never know) 
 sunglasses for Sleeping? I’ll assume the store means to add “out in the sun”. Otherwise that’s kinda looney. Unlike the Corey Hart song we llike, Aaron and I do not wear sunglasses at night.

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    Koolfunkygrrl  over 12 years ago

    There should’ve been an ‘Aack!’ after she said the price
..I don’t wear sunglasses as I have clip-ons for my regular prescription glasses
..and you can find good sunglasses for around $20.00

yeah sunglasses for sleeping?? wonder who would need those

..Have a good Sunday -Aaron (hope your hip feels better) Dr. Billy (take good care of ‘our’ Aaron), Lightenup (on vacay
..yeah whatever), Susan, Gretch’s Ma, Viperdude. gmforde, lindzcoop, serenaskitty, mollie, hendelca and everyone else that ummm enjoys (?) reading Cathy :) lol

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Sunglasses? That’s what the Dollar store is for. Then, it doesn’t hurt so much when they’re lost or broken. Most I’ll spend on sunglasses is about $10 at Wal-Mart.

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  13. Cathy aack Premium Member over 12 years ago

    Hi Cathyites!! — Ooops, didn’t quite make it out of here today — we’re all packed and ready to go tomorrow. We’re taking a couch that L.L. Bean couldn’t deliver until next week at the cottage (because it’s in Canada) but could deliver last week in the US — in time for our GM-imposed vacation. So it had to be hoisted up onto the roof rack on the car — quite a job!!

    I can’t see paying that much for sunglasses until they need to be prescription — now mine do cost a fortune (and of course insurance doesn’t pay for “Progressive” lenses).

    Happy Canada Day to Canadians and Happy 4th to Americans (as if Canadians were not Americans, but how do you say USAers?).

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