Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 27, 2012
Cathy: I was fine. Perfectly happy. Suddenly, there was all this stuff. Things to consider... Things to answer...Things to reject...Things to buy... Pressure! Anxiety! Unsolicited information! Junk! Junk! Junk! In short.... Charlene: You have "male". Cathy: GET OUT OF MY BRAIN, ALEX!!!
legaleagle48 over 12 years ago
Yeah, like it’s the fault of every man in the world that you’re nuts, Cathy. EYEROLL
Bronzepony over 12 years ago
Is it just me having the impression we call Cathy crazy or nuts just whatever she does? Reading the comments for some time now I get the feeling this is becoming some sort of a habit. I must admit there are lots of situations I can relate to Cathy, even this one, if you take it out of the dramatic comic context. To me she’s like a roommate or a neighbour that you know quite well, someone part of your daily life but not as close as a friend. I sometimes wonder how anyone continually declaring Cathy as out of her mind might enjoy reading this comic.
Good Morning mollie, AnonaMona, Dr. KFG, Susan, Aaron, Dr. Billy, Gretchen’s Mom and any other Cathy fan around. Aaron welcome back home, hope you acclimatize well! (Don’t know if I put that right, not being a native speaker I know I might raise a laugh from time to time!)
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
I remember back when I was single, and something happened with a guy I was dating (or had dated previously). I would think about it for days… looking back, what a waste of time, but it seemed soo important at the time. Whew, so glad my dating days are done.Good morning, legaleagle and Bronzepony! I’m sure someone will address what you’re talking about, Bronzepony. I’m pretty tired today, but in general I think a lot of us can relate to what Cathy goes through on some level (which I try to comment about), but Cathy’s “thing” is that she takes everything to the extreme, which is what many roll their eyes at. Most of us who read this comic do like Cathy, but it is fun to mock the extreme things they do and say on this comic. We love her like we love the crazy aunt or uncle that most of us have in our families.Good morning, Aaron and Billy! I’m glad that you two had a safe trip back to DC. I’m not sure if the “your Highness” was directed at me or legaleagle, but that’s fine because I’m just happy that the two of you are being civil again. Yes, you don’t have to agree (and I certainly have my opinions on what people say and which people I respect more than others, but I mostly try to keep it to myself), but as long as we all are respectful, it’s all good. Thank you for not being offended by anything I said yesterday. :-)Good morning to Susan and anyone else who stops by this morning!Hello to the ones who stop by later, GsMom, KFG, rgcviper,, hendelca, Mona, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, gmforde, soonergal, lippyfish, Mai Tai, Willi Nilli, mollie, AnonaMona, simpsonfan2, tegm, legaleagle, Shyygirl27, catsarge10, BJIllistrated, ncalifgirl58, Molly mcgee, Teresa and all the other Cathy nuts rolling around here today!
ncalifgirl58 over 12 years ago
Well, I certainly can relate to Cathy. I am way too much like her. But she makes me laugh and that’s why we’re all here. Happy Monday everyone!
soonergal Premium Member over 12 years ago
Oh, I can remember those single days and the new crush that wouldn’t get out of my mind! I, too, am glad those days are behind me! Good morning to all the Cathy nuts joining us today!
AnonaMoaner over 12 years ago
I can barely remember being single. I sometimes think I must have been born married! But complications can still arise, I assure you. However, compromise is easier to manage (and essential) when you’re a couple.
catsarge10 over 12 years ago
Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss. Cathy would have been much better off never hearing another word about Alex. NCALIFGIRL58, I’m with you: I admitted when I came out of lurking that I’m a lot like Cathy — just not as out there about my thoughts and feelings and habits. And my NAME is Cathy, too! Aaaack! So BRONZEPONY, I don’t think she’s crazy, and I don’t roll my eyes too often…but I do often shake my head sympathetically. Afternoon, Cathy clan!
BillyJL over 12 years ago
Phew! At least she shouted out the right name. How embarrassed would I be if she shouted Get out of my head Billy instead?
Gretchen's Mom over 12 years ago
Since Cathy’s mom won’t say it, then it looks like it’s up to ME to do it!!!!!
“Good heavens, Cathy! It’s been a week now. The guy moved on after your relationship ended and I think it’s about time that you do the same! What was he supposed to do? Sit by the phone, cry into his beer, wine or whatever he drinks and hope for a ‘relationship reunification’ call from you that was never going to come for the rest of his life?!? Kind of unreasonable, don’t you think?!? Now it’s time for you to do what he did . . . and that’s to find someone new to date and get on with the business of living because life is too short to be fussing, crying and carrying on this way over a relationship that was never meant to be!”
(Harsh, I know, but sometimes people need to hear the truth no matter how ugly it may seem if it can help them to see the light!)
Aaron: Glad you’re back home again and that you’re little family of 3 is finally reunited as it should be!!! Just don’t forget to keep your promise to us — which is to take it easy when you return to work. You absolutely DON’T want to re-injure yourself by doing too much too soon!!!!!
Bronzepony: Just because we call Cathy a “nut”, a “nut job” or, my favorite nickname for her, “whack-a-doo”, doesn’t mean that we don’t love her all the same!!! While I (shamefully) admit that I can identify with some of her situations every now and then, she just has a really over-the-top way of blowing things so completely out of proportion that most sane people would simply shrug at and/or laugh off. For instance, Saturday she was all weepy and sitting on her mother’s lap(!) regarding an invitation to an ex-boyfriend’s wedding — an ex-boyfriend that Cathy dumped long ago because he wasn’t the right guy for her and she knew it. I mean, who does that?!?!? I didn’t know she was 3 years old; I thought she was supposed to be somewhere in her 30s!!!!! I’m sorry but you’ve GOT to admit that behavior like that is just plain nuts!!!!!
Good afternoon and Happy Monday, lightenup, lightenupjr., Dr. K.F.G., Susan,, rgcviper, gmforde, serenasakitty, kittycatpawsare, hendelca, Gator007, legaleagle48, mollie05, AnonaMona, catsarge10, millie p, soonergal, Bronzepony, Molly mcgee, simpsonfan2, Shyygirl27, Violet Bay, AndiJ, BJIllistrated, ncalifgirl58, summerdog, ruizuno1, FinnyGirl and all the REST of the “Cathy” fanatics joining us here today. As always, it’s really great to “see” you all and if you’re new here . . . WELCOME TO CATHY’S NUTHOUSE!!!!! GLAD YOU’RE JOINING IN ON ALL THE FUN!!!!! ;-)
NE1956 over 12 years ago
How about _Her Most Majestic Royal Hei. . . _ Nah, needs work. :-D
NE1956 over 12 years ago
Welcome home Hi to hendelca, kittycatpawsare and maybe serenasakitty when y’all stop by. See you guy tomorrow :-) Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi Cathyites!! Cathy does hit a little close to home sometimes — but not this one. I don’t think I’ve ever gone nuts over a guy-who-wasn’t-right-for-me-and-invited-me-to-his-wedding — certainly not since high school. Generally, when I move on, I move on. As for the guys who broke my heart or dumped me — it’s usually my favorite thing they did when I look back on it now (tho it may have been traumatic at the time).
Billy — thanks for the “welcome home,” glad to see you and Aaron are back home, and hope all goes well with starting back to work Aaron.
rgcviper over 12 years ago
Yup—“nut job to the tenth power” pretty much sums up our Cathy, doesn’t it?
And, c’mon—admit it … we wouldn’t have her any other way!
AnonaMoaner over 12 years ago
If everyone in the comics always acted like sane, sensible people / dogs / cats / tigers / unicorns – would any of us read them?
I think we all laugh at the crazy things they do, things that we wouldn’t dream of attempting, and we wince just a little when they do things that we know we just might, now and again, or perhaps we really did do when we were young and foolish.
Oh, all right then – when we were a bit younger and a lot more foolish.
hendelca Premium Member over 12 years ago
I agree with a lot of the comments here tonight. I think a lot of people can identify with the issues Cathy and her family has – or at least know people who have these issues. Yes, the strip really exaggerates the issues – but that is a neat literary technique to draw attention to issues or character traits. Take the sitting on mom’s lap strip – I am sure many (if not most) of us can think of one time when we really wanted to sit on our mother’s/father’s lap but had to settle for a hug – or words of sympathy because we were just too big – or too old – or maybe even our parents were no longer there for us. Today’s strip – maybe some of us can think back to a time (way, way back for some) when someone who we had been close to but was no longer was successful at something when we were not quite there yet – pangs of envy maybe. React like Cathy, no way! But the thought was there. Woah!!! Way to philosophical for this hour of the night. Time to curl up with a good book for a couple of hours and get some sleep! Hmmm – a few more minutes and I can be first to post on the new strip. Nope – that’s KFG’s spot!
kittycatpawsare over 12 years ago
Hi to all the cathy nuts.Aaron please be very careful and hi to you too.I think cathy should just quit already they have been broken up for sometime so get over it.Life goes on. : )