(Therefore, let he who desires peace prepare for war)
Or, put in simpler terms, if you have nice things and wish to hang onto those nice things you had better be prepared to fight for those nice things, because somebody will try to take them from you
The generals sure think the more something costs the better it is. Trillion dollar fighter jets with nobody to dog fight with, put a smile on the brass’s lips because the generals think they are sexy! Of course they don’t pay any attention when $2000 drones are taking out million dollar tanks with ease in the Ukraine!
It’s currently Fleet Week in San Francisco. I’m supportive in principle, but I don’t care for the Blue Angels; essentially a Blue Angels show seems to me like the equivalent of the Soviets parading nuclear missiles down the street, but with more sex appeal and showmanship.
pschearer Premium Member over 1 year ago
“War is stupid. . .”
Does that include the American Revolution? The American Civil War? World War II?
ibFrank over 1 year ago
Wars are fought so that the next generation won’t have to fight in one.
Cornelius Noodleman over 1 year ago
A heli flopter!
Havel over 1 year ago
I thought so too… when I was in middle school. Then, I grew up.
up2trixx over 1 year ago
Igitur quī dēsīderat pācem, præparet bellum
(Therefore, let he who desires peace prepare for war)
Or, put in simpler terms, if you have nice things and wish to hang onto those nice things you had better be prepared to fight for those nice things, because somebody will try to take them from you
ajr58(1) over 1 year ago
That sort of explains the Proud Boys – overgrown adolescents playing soldier dress-up.
Ignatz Premium Member over 1 year ago
There’s nothing “stupid” about wanting something and using violence to get it. It’s evil, not stupid.
Sometimes a war is caused entirely by one side.
ElEfJay over 1 year ago
I mean, he’s not wrong I… guess.
davidthoms1 over 1 year ago
The generals sure think the more something costs the better it is. Trillion dollar fighter jets with nobody to dog fight with, put a smile on the brass’s lips because the generals think they are sexy! Of course they don’t pay any attention when $2000 drones are taking out million dollar tanks with ease in the Ukraine!
RobinHood over 1 year ago
Matthew 24, Revelation 6
fritzoid Premium Member over 1 year ago
I’m guided by a signal in the heavens
I’m guided by this birthmark on my skin
I’m guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin
— Leonard Cohen
It’s currently Fleet Week in San Francisco. I’m supportive in principle, but I don’t care for the Blue Angels; essentially a Blue Angels show seems to me like the equivalent of the Soviets parading nuclear missiles down the street, but with more sex appeal and showmanship.
(They’re also too loud.)