Haha, this is sort of me! I am a self-motivator, so I do best when I decide to do something. I don’t like when others push me to do things (although they can talk to me and help me understand why doing something is a good thing). For example, I don’t do well at the gym if someone is there yelling to do more. But if I read about why it’s good to do something, then I will do it on my own in my own way, at my own pace.
Hello Cathy friends! Happy Tuesday! Have a great day, all!
The question is not about “feeling better” because one could turn to drugs. It is about self-discipline – setting reasonable goals and breaking them into achievable sub-goals. I have no idea why this is not taught systematically in schools instead of rote learning.
I am consistent too – just replace the “no” with “sort of” in each panel.
Another beautiful, sunny, above freezing day – another not normal winter day for us. We all know we are going to pay heavily for this unseasonable warm weather so are ready for it.
mepowell 11 months ago
You have to admire her consistency.
lightenup Premium Member 11 months ago
Haha, this is sort of me! I am a self-motivator, so I do best when I decide to do something. I don’t like when others push me to do things (although they can talk to me and help me understand why doing something is a good thing). For example, I don’t do well at the gym if someone is there yelling to do more. But if I read about why it’s good to do something, then I will do it on my own in my own way, at my own pace.
Hello Cathy friends! Happy Tuesday! Have a great day, all!
mistercatworks 11 months ago
The question is not about “feeling better” because one could turn to drugs. It is about self-discipline – setting reasonable goals and breaking them into achievable sub-goals. I have no idea why this is not taught systematically in schools instead of rote learning.
Jefano Premium Member 11 months ago
People who feel better when they do those things must have a physiology completely alien to mine.
hendelca Premium Member 11 months ago
I am consistent too – just replace the “no” with “sort of” in each panel.
Another beautiful, sunny, above freezing day – another not normal winter day for us. We all know we are going to pay heavily for this unseasonable warm weather so are ready for it.
Enjoy this fine Tuesday.
rgcviper 11 months ago
The theory? Perfect. The follow-through? Not so much.
Been there—done that.
HI, MOM. Hello, “Cathy” Clan.