Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 17, 2024

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    a sage  12 days ago

    I graduated in 1970, and we had only one reunion that I recall. Sadly, the high school is now a crowded apartment block.

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    Purple People Eater  12 days ago

    I found a way to completely avoid high school reunions. I never finished high school. (My parents decided to move back to Iceland after I finished 11th grade).

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    markkahler52  12 days ago

    Three more words (combined): I’m not going! or.. I’ll be there!

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    lightenup Premium Member 12 days ago

    I went to my 5 year reunion. Everyone was mostly the same, except for the one girl who had a passel of children (none of the rest of us had any because we’d just graduated college the year before). I was going to go to one a few years ago, but they scheduled it during Thanksgiving and I don’t understand why people would go to a reunion over being with loved ones and eating good food.

    Hello Cathy friends! Happy Monday! Have a great day, all!

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    dlkrueger33  12 days ago

    I went to my 10th and 20th. Our class holds them every 5 years and in-between, they hold a picnic every single year. IMO, that takes the fun away of seeing people once every 20 years or so. Between all that PLUS social media, sort of takes the excitement away. Our 50th is next year and truth be told, I’m not sure I care to go.

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    Lola85 Premium Member 12 days ago

    I went to one high school reunion, and it was one of the most depressing events I’ve ever attended. I was hoping to have some meaningful conversations with people I hadn’t seen in a long time, but no one appeared to be interested in doing that. People just kind of wandered around aimlessly, and it was just so weird. Needless to say, I’ve never gone back to another one.

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  7. Cathy aack Premium Member 11 days ago

    I’ve gone to quite a few (we have them every 5 years). They are usually fun.

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    rgcviper  11 days ago

    I tend to keep up with old classmates more online than in person, with the exception of a few good friends. Never really been into big physical reunions. More gathering time for others that way … ?

    HI, MOM. Hello, “Cathy” Clan.

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    cherns Premium Member 10 days ago

    A minor medical problem made me cancel my 60th college reunion this last weekend. They were going to put us up in my freshman dormitory. It would have been nice to see some of my surviving classmates. I played Bruce Springsteen’s “Glory Days” at home instead.

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