The wise men did ask for directions. Here’s part of what it says in the Bible (from Matthew 2:2): After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is the One having been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
[Notes: The bible does not say there were three wise men – it mentions that they brought and presented three gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). The names (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) are also not biblical.]
Very observant. The Magi also weren’t at the birth. When the Magi arrived, the family was in a house and the wording was reflected that Jesus was now a young child and not an infant as in the account of angels appearing to the shepherds. Another point is Herod had all the young boys under two years of age killed. So many people have this so very wrong.
What would have happened if it had been three Wise Women instead of three Wise Men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts, andthere would be peace on earth.But what they would have said when they left…? “Did you see the sandals Mary was wearing with that gown?” “That baby doesn’t look anything like Joseph!” “Can you believe that they let all of those disgusting animals in the house?” “I heard that Joseph isn’t even working right now!” “And that donkey that they are riding has seen better days too!” “Want to bet on how long it will take until you get your casserole dish back?”
They got there late and brought impractical gifts for an infant. Yeah, really wise! Three Wise Women would have asked for directions, got there on time and brought useful gifts.
With Ziggy there, I’m guessing this is not taking place 2,000 years ago. These guys are actors (method actors, obviously) on the way to perform in the local Christmas pageant.
The Duke about 1 year ago
What no GPS?
Botulism Bob about 1 year ago
Ziggy will hand them his cell phone. And they will still be stumped!
Yakety Sax about 1 year ago
They just need to follow the star.
Jml58 about 1 year ago
And not a virgin in sight.
Mediatech about 1 year ago
Hello. Big star showing the way.
Doug K about 1 year ago
The wise men did ask for directions. Here’s part of what it says in the Bible (from Matthew 2:2): After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, “Where is the One having been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.”
[Notes: The bible does not say there were three wise men – it mentions that they brought and presented three gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). The names (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) are also not biblical.]
dap1004 about 1 year ago
Very observant. The Magi also weren’t at the birth. When the Magi arrived, the family was in a house and the wording was reflected that Jesus was now a young child and not an infant as in the account of angels appearing to the shepherds. Another point is Herod had all the young boys under two years of age killed. So many people have this so very wrong.
mckeonfuneralhomebx about 1 year ago
What would have happened if it had been three Wise Women instead of three Wise Men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, and brought practical gifts, andthere would be peace on earth.But what they would have said when they left…? “Did you see the sandals Mary was wearing with that gown?” “That baby doesn’t look anything like Joseph!” “Can you believe that they let all of those disgusting animals in the house?” “I heard that Joseph isn’t even working right now!” “And that donkey that they are riding has seen better days too!” “Want to bet on how long it will take until you get your casserole dish back?”
locake about 1 year ago
They got there late and brought impractical gifts for an infant. Yeah, really wise! Three Wise Women would have asked for directions, got there on time and brought useful gifts.
datrip12 about 1 year ago
In Jesus’ day, there were no such things as pcs and gpses. The only guide the three wise men had in finding the baby Jesus was the Star of Bethlehem!
tcayer about 1 year ago
Ziggy has time-travelled?!
johnaapc about 1 year ago
Often wondered why in most depictions, they are holding shepard hooks, they are wisemen, not shepards
PlatudimusAtom Premium Member about 1 year ago
Then they’d look like the really wise men they’re supposed to be.
C wolfe about 1 year ago
It is a wise man who knows when he does not know the answer, but it is the expert who claims to know all the answers.
Bobbers Premium Member about 1 year ago
My wife tells me that it IS a wise man who asks for directions.
Snolep about 1 year ago
Maybe they were just “wiseguys.” Lost in translation.
norphos about 1 year ago
Um, they had the STAR!
paullp Premium Member about 1 year ago
With Ziggy there, I’m guessing this is not taking place 2,000 years ago. These guys are actors (method actors, obviously) on the way to perform in the local Christmas pageant.
eced52 about 1 year ago
Maybe that’s why it took them two years to find Jesus.