John Deering for December 30, 2023

  1. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  6 months ago

    Again and again and again and again and ……..

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  2. Picture
    ibFrank  6 months ago

    I guess we all need to learn to goose step.

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  3. 7bf81e16 8ef8 4134 8774 9ce680cc41b6
    The Nodding Head  6 months ago

    Leap year? Republicans embrace a sheep year.

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  4. Pilgrim
    Newenglandah  6 months ago

    The little guy is missing his ultra-long poorly tied red necktie.

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  5. Flag for ukraine 1f1fa 1f1e6
    eclairewl Premium Member 6 months ago

    Love the hour glass. Let’s hope time has really not run out.

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  6. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    El bratto the republican dictator.

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  7. Am  flag
    Geezer  6 months ago


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  8. Screenshot 2023 12 10 091315
    Stephen Runnels Premium Member 6 months ago

    We don’t need luck, we are Liberal, we are Democrats. Republicans and others who live in the hateful, superstitious ignorance they admire need all the “luck” they can find to make people believe the racism and bigotry and misogyny the conservative mind embraces is actually the best thing for the United States in 2024.

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  9. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member 6 months ago

    What are you talking about ‘2023’, we are already there.

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    IndyW  6 months ago

    Not to worry. Biden won’t last much longer.

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    I watched the movies The Sound of Music and Cabaret, I thought the rise of fascism would have move showtunes.

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  12. Mooseguy
    moosemin  6 months ago

    This is the first time in my 71 years that I dread the upcoming new year.

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  13. Missing large
    Mainesailah Premium Member 6 months ago

    So, help me here. The 2ndA crowd screams they need their arsenals to protect their freedoms from the evil gummint. Then they rabidly support a candidate who says he wants to be a dictator and will eliminate the rights of anyone he feels has wronged him? Anyone? Anyone?

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  14. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  6 months ago

    We’re supposed to believe authoritarianism is not already here?

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    Why is the GOP joining Putin, Xi, & MBS to Destroy Democracy?

    The world’s richest and most powerful oligarchs are depending on America’s Republican Party to make the world safe for their 21st century form of autocratic kleptocracy. And Donald Trump, who’s been owned by the KGB/GRU since the 1980s, is their man who’s leading the charge.

    The oldest form of government in the world — the one that, as conservative philosophers like Edmund Burke and Russell Kirk point out, at one time or another ruled every “civilized” nation on Earth — is (as I detail in The Hidden History of American Oligarchy) oligarchy: rule by a small group of the morbidly rich.

    Putin knows that the survival of his presidency depends on defeating Ukraine, which means getting control of the US political system.

    MBS knows that the best way he can minimize unrest and maintain his severe oppression of women and democracy advocates in Saudi Arabia is by helping Republicans defeat those pesky Democrats who keep talking about human rights, Jamal Khashoggi, and replacing oil with renewables.

    And Xi knows if he ever wants to seize Taiwan and eventually all of Indochina he must first cripple America’s Democratic Party, whose president a few weeks ago had the temerity to call Xi a “dictator.”

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    Moore 1  6 months ago

    Maybe the relax gun laws can help here?

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    AtomicForce91 Premium Member 6 months ago

    That started in 2020 in America.

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    STEPUP  6 months ago

    His ‘detention’ camps will follow soon!!!

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  19. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 6 months ago

    He has a plan. Count on it.

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  20. Lifi
    rossevrymn  6 months ago

    74,000,000, do you want the governments of China and Russia?:

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  21. Binkley
    gnorth22 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Hmmm, I think it’s called a swagger stick, not a swagger shtick!

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  22. Missing large
    Rich Douglas  6 months ago

    He doesn’t LOOK 6-foot-three.

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  23. Lifi
    rossevrymn  6 months ago

    74,000,000, and you fickle people thinking of voting for Biden, is “authoritarianism” your world of the year?:

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