When they charge by the hour, you clear the decks so they can get right to the tough jobs you don’t feel like doing…like floors, sinks, whatever. Saves money and the place looks great when you get home.
Ha… just tell the kids that the cleaner will put everyone’s stuff that is left out into this one big trash can, and if you want anything that is in it, you will find the can in the garage. That would be enough to say.
She’s paid by the hour. If she has to stay longer because she cannot get to the floor to clean it, it will cost money. If she moves the kid’s stuff, he’ll complain when he cannot find it. It makes PERFECT sense.
There is a big difference between what a cleaner does and what a servant does, that’s for sure. Adam is mistaking the person who would come in once a week or twice a month for a daily servant or two…With him around they’ve probably needed a live-in staff, since Laura was up 24/7 picking up after all of them…
My mon told us to clean up once. If we didn’t then the “Kangaroo” would clean, and we had to pay to get our not put away things back. School books cost 10 cents, library books 10 cents, toys 5 cents. Our allowances were 25 cents a week, and 15 had to go to savings. We learned very quickly to put things away when asked.
For example: I keep my apartment tidy, as in everything where it belongs, laundry etc. HOWEVER due to mobility issues I have problems with dusting, and mopping, so once a month I have the apartment complex’s cleaning service come in to do those.
seanfear 10 months ago
well … they have a point!
SHIVA 10 months ago
We used to do the same thing when our family doctor was going to make a house visit!!!
snsurone76 10 months ago
Not an unreasonable request. Who can dust or vacuum with people’s junk scattered all over the place?
snsurone76 10 months ago
There was a funny article in MAD Magazine—an advertisement for someone to straighten up one’s home before the cleaning woman arrived!! LOL
Enter.Name.Here 10 months ago
She is a CLEANER, not a picker-upper. She removes dirt and grunge, not socks and Legos.
diazch408 10 months ago
Laura, that is a strong point against your move.
montymiff 10 months ago
When they charge by the hour, you clear the decks so they can get right to the tough jobs you don’t feel like doing…like floors, sinks, whatever. Saves money and the place looks great when you get home.
Eric Thom Premium Member 10 months ago
My mother always said the same thing. We tried to explain to her but it never worked.
nosirrom 10 months ago
If you’re tidying up how much longer does it take to clean?
markkahler52 10 months ago
The point is moot…
j_m_kuehl 10 months ago
If you don’t want it, leave it out, won’t be a problem next week.
Just-me 10 months ago
She’s hiring someone to clean, not a servant.
Doug K 10 months ago
You don’t want someone else to see how bad it really is.
Steverino Premium Member 10 months ago
You want to clean up before the cleaner comes so you don’t get embarrased by the cleaner because the house is too dirty.
MuddyUSA Premium Member 10 months ago
Adam is a child!
ladykat 10 months ago
The child does.
jconnors3954 10 months ago
That was my wife!
Lennia Machen Premium Member 10 months ago
Ha… just tell the kids that the cleaner will put everyone’s stuff that is left out into this one big trash can, and if you want anything that is in it, you will find the can in the garage. That would be enough to say.
cuzinron47 10 months ago
You don’t want to get a bad Yelp review by the cleaning lady.
cuzinron47 10 months ago
Actually I’m the same way, that’s why I haven’t hired a cleaning service.
mistercatworks 10 months ago
She’s paid by the hour. If she has to stay longer because she cannot get to the floor to clean it, it will cost money. If she moves the kid’s stuff, he’ll complain when he cannot find it. It makes PERFECT sense.
1JennyJenkins 10 months ago
There is a big difference between what a cleaner does and what a servant does, that’s for sure. Adam is mistaking the person who would come in once a week or twice a month for a daily servant or two…With him around they’ve probably needed a live-in staff, since Laura was up 24/7 picking up after all of them…
sallyseckman 10 months ago
Yeah if you hire a cleaner what’s the point of cleaning before hand?
crazeekatlady 10 months ago
My mon told us to clean up once. If we didn’t then the “Kangaroo” would clean, and we had to pay to get our not put away things back. School books cost 10 cents, library books 10 cents, toys 5 cents. Our allowances were 25 cents a week, and 15 had to go to savings. We learned very quickly to put things away when asked.
h.v.greenman 10 months ago
There is a difference between “tidy” and “clean”
For example: I keep my apartment tidy, as in everything where it belongs, laundry etc. HOWEVER due to mobility issues I have problems with dusting, and mopping, so once a month I have the apartment complex’s cleaning service come in to do those.
jbruins84341 10 months ago
You wouldn’t want the housekeeper to think you lived in a dirty house.
Cactus-Pete 10 months ago
No, she did not say to clean so she can clean. Pay attention next time.
raybarb44 10 months ago
The room has to be organized as to where items are to go. Cleaning the room would be her job…..
brick10 10 months ago
Or “Linda the Cleaner” can put things away where SHE thinks they should go.
Old Time Tales 10 months ago
“I charge $20 an hour. $25 if the place is dirty. $30 if the place is dirty and you don’t want me to talk about you to the other clients.
fej 10 months ago
There’s a difference between a cleaner and a maid.
Ukko wilko 10 months ago
One of my daughters has maid service. She always gives her house “a little touch up” before they arrive to clean.
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member 10 months ago
It’s like brushing your teeth before going to the dentist for your cleaning.
love2cook 10 months ago
I’m not cleaning before the cleaning!