Ted Rall for February 26, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  4 months ago

    Well the cartoon is obviously false. The bottom text, though, it obviously true.

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  2. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member 4 months ago

    And Ted Rall is not…(fill in the blank).

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  3. Zh7uxue
    GreggW Premium Member 4 months ago

    Who are these insiders who swear he’s an intellectual? Names please, so I can mock them on Twitter/X.

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  4. Img 1754  2
    GiantShetlandPony  4 months ago

    Biden is not senile and your Orange Puppet is as much of a putz as Putin is.

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  5. Winged monkey
    Li'l Dale  4 months ago

    Nothing senile about Biden… just listen! Reporters asked what he was giving up for Lent and he answered “You guys”!

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  6. Missing large
    saltwise  4 months ago

    The only thing you got right is that Biden is NOT senile. Not by any definition

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  7. Marx lennon
    charliekane  4 months ago

    Looks like its gonna be one or the t’other . . . choose wisely . . . vote blue.

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  8. Catinnabag2 50pct
    Màiri  4 months ago

    Healthy people do not commit murder. And they especially do not commit serial mass-murder/genocide! Even injuring someone causes extremely painful feelings of guilt and sorrow in healthy people.

    So unless you want to demonstrate your own psychopathology, you have to decide whether Biden is senile, or is a psychopath expressing the life-or-death power he has always wanted to fully express but never could because of not wanting to end up dead or in prison.

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  9. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  4 months ago

    It’s been 30 years since I’ve heard this Heinlein reference. And I’d just as soon go another 30 years before hearing another one.

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  10. 300px little nemo 1906 02 11 last panel
    lonecat  4 months ago

    The US is an imperialist country and has been for a long time: depending how you think about it, perhaps since the founding—the expansion of the country can be seen as a kind of internal imperialism. After WWII the US set out to replace the older European imperial systems, without actually annexing territory. Russia, in the form of the USSR, tried to maintain its sphere of influence in eastern Europe, thus setting up a conflict of imperial systems. Some parts of the left tried to gloss over the brutality of Russian imperialism, just as most parts of the mainstream in the West tried to gloss over the brutality of Western imperialism. Many nations or nationalist movements saw an alliance with Russia (or with China) as a way to oppose Western imperialism. In my younger days, back in the 1960s, it was right to oppose the brutality of US imperialism in Vietnam (and elsewhere). US imperialism is still brutal, but so is Russian imperialism, as we see by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. What’s the proper response? It’s a tough question, and I don’t pretend to have the answers. I’m opposed to imperialism of all kinds.

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  11. Lifi
    rossevrymn  4 months ago

    Understanding that Ted would never vote for trumpster fire, while he creates false equivalencies with his critiques of Biden, thus, effectively supporting a neutering of discernment, all in the name of childish idealism, he throws me when he does these pieces………………………………………Caught Friday’s DMZ, the dynamic duo are still not acknowledging that they got the Biden/Ukraine thing whole A$$ wrong. I’m not holding my breath for that one; it’s not their style, you know, admitting when they’re not correct after they moved all their chips into that play, I mean their chips, their shirts, their shoes, their watches, their underwear…………….

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  12. Melting clock fizz creations
    cfkelley  4 months ago

    Or you could vote for the life-long grifter and warmonger, Quid Pro Joe.

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  13. Img 0100a
    Retrac Premium Member 4 months ago

    Kamala vs. Nikki. Why must we endure the old farts Biden & Trump? It would be a much more interesting race and a better indicator of which is the stronger political candidate.

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    ncorgbl  4 months ago

    Hey, a funny comic on the comic pages, except for the last line which is fact. Biden is not senile.

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  15. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    The Trump Putin traitor party want to turn the USA into anti gay racist Russia.

    Republicans give aid and comfort to dictators and the enemies of the USA.

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  16. Image001
    dogday Premium Member 4 months ago

    We know that everything in cels is satire because 1. Trump is doing things he never does (express remorse, read); 2. he’s using words he never heard of; 3. couldn’t pronounce if he had; 4. wouldn’t know how to use if he had heard of them and knew how to pronounce them; 5. showing humility in hating his “public persona”; 6. expressing actual ideas that 7. have nothing to do with him. This is pure fantasy.

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  17. Missing large
    Archee63 Premium Member 4 months ago

    well said

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  18. Missing large
    Rich Douglas  4 months ago

    Biden has done nothing to indicate any semblance of senility. He’s an old man with a stuttering problem. He makes mistakes and sometimes forgets details. Like all of us.

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    Professional criminal Trump’s embrace of war criminal murderer Putin and his threat to end NATO and Ukraine make Trump a traitor to western civilization.

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    Plumb.Bob Premium Member 4 months ago

    Michael Ramirez is a much better artist and while I often do not agree with him I do respect his opinion. Rall not so much.

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