Mike du Jour by Mike Lester for March 04, 2024

  1. Gf blocks
    GaloisField  about 1 year ago

    That would be Jim Crow

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  2. Jim and janet bridge selfie
    jandjdevore  about 1 year ago

    No, I think it was JD Crow. HTW at TAM .

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  3. Boston
    MS72  about 1 year ago


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  4. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 1 year ago

    Political and social correctness be buggered! One of the advantages of being an old curmudgeon and speaking Spanish almost exclusively for the past dozen years, is that I have not, and will not get embroiled in the verbal quagmire of trying to use “gender neutral” English forms of address.

    I try to treat every person with the respect and honor the deserve and revel in their unique individuality. I’ve battled against racial, sexual, and religious bigotry all my life,- and contunue to do so. But I sure as hell am not kowtowing to the lastest politically correct manner of speaking. I too old and set in my ways to conform.

    I’m sure my political and social views are anathema to Trumpist and religionist and far too liberal for many U.S. citizens, but truth to tell, frankly, Miss Scarlet, I don’t really give a dámn!

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    skolinger1  about 1 year ago

    Define Trumpist

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  6. Jim and janet bridge selfie
    jandjdevore  about 1 year ago

    I don’t mind speaking out of turn, so a Trumpist would be someone who made bad decisions early in life and now thinks that treating his/her fellow man is the way to make things better. And, the best way to accomplish their goal, since they have little power, is support someone with little knowledge, little empathy and absolutely little understanding of leadership who thinks the best thing to do is to use force to get his way.

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    IndyW  about 1 year ago

    We all speak in our own vernacular based on our age, when and where we grew up, and our family lineage and background. Our vocabularies are learned, but we do have the ability to adjust them for the times without having to give them up for our personal communications. I do agree with Zebrastripes, I am not changing just to fit someone else’s narrative.

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    gary.eddings4157 Premium Member about 1 year ago

    Patience and forbearance are the most valuable learned behaviors in a society where norms have always, and will always, be in flux. I’ll try to be sensitive to the “these are my pronouns” movement, and at 76 years old I may often not get it “right” no harm intended. My pronouns are best expressed as Alfred E. Neuman says; “What me worry?”

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    halh Premium Member about 1 year ago

    I-me-my totally agree!

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    goboboyd  about 1 year ago

    A pretty long move for being the only piece in play. But then I aspire to being mundane at chess.

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